The Weekender is a weekly compilation of the most popular posts on over the past week. Published every weekend for your convenience, this post allows you to catch up on the things you may have missed!
Top Posts This Week:
Mayor Walsh and Public Works Announce New Plans for Trash Collection
Out with the old and in with the new – Wednesday trash pickup is no more. This release from Mayor Walsh confirms that as of July 1st, trash and recycling pickup will take place on Monday and Friday morning. View Post for more details.
![Black Mass production crews on Prince Streeet. Photo by Matt Conti](
“Black Mass” Production Films in North End [Photos]
The long-awaited filming of the movie “Black Mass” starring Johnny Depp filmed in the North End around the Margaret Street area. Despite no sightings of Johnny Depp in character, this photo collection will make you feel like you are part of the movie set. View Post
Honor & Tribute on Memorial Day at Columbus Park (Photos & Video)
The Christopher Columbus Park was the sight of a free Memorial Day concert featuring the Metropolitan Wind Symphony and Boston Children’s Chorus. View Post for some photos and a short video from the playing of “Taps.”
Police Blotter: Noisy Party on Henchman Street
Catch up on the latest crimes around the neighborhood. Straight from incidents reported from the Boston Police Journal Log, courtesy of BPD District A-1. Including a loud party call at 5 Henchman Street that lead to about 30 guests being cleared from the apartment. View Post for the rest of the report.
North Enders Bonetti, DeGrandis and Pasto Graduate from Arlington High School
A congraduations to Michael Bonetti, Alexander DeGrandis and Juliana Pasto, the North Enders who graduated from Arlington Catholic High School, class of 2014. View Post
Editor’s Pick:
Representative Michlewitz: Opposition Letter to Licensing Board Regarding Goody Glovers 2:00 a.m. Extension
Noting significant opposition from North End Residents, Goody Glovers was approved for their 2:00am closing hour extension. This letter is a response written by State Representative Aaron Michlewitz to the chairman of the Boston Licensing Board, regarding their approval. View Post
It should be an interesting one with the weather – be sure to enjoy the weekend!