Food & Drink Government

Representative Michlewitz: Opposition Letter to Licensing Board Regarding Goody Glovers 2:00 a.m. Extension

The following letter is from the office of State Representative Aaron Michlewitz to the chairman of the Boston Licensing Board in response to their approval of the 2:00 a.m. closing hour extension to Goody Glovers, despite resistance from neighborhood residents and organizations.  

Aaron Letter FinalRepresentative Michlewitz can be reached at (617) 722-2240 or emailed at

4 Replies to “Representative Michlewitz: Opposition Letter to Licensing Board Regarding Goody Glovers 2:00 a.m. Extension

  1. Thank you so much Aaron, I am so glad at least “1” Politician had the guts to stand up for the.
    Neighborhood. God Bless you. This neighborhood will never die without extended liquor license,
    The North End was very successful with Joe’s Tecces’s, Giro’s, The European, Stella’s, Louie’s.
    Polcari’s to mention a few, and we never had to deal with the disrespect & insanity that is going.
    on here now. If Brian Kirk Morrison is the Boss at Charlestown, maybe he can fight for the.
    extended Liquor License over there. It all comes down to GREED. The City is at an all time.
    high and it still isn’t enough. We will never die, there is too much History here and an over.
    abundance of restaurants/bars to choose from.

  2. Joyce, very well said. I have to commend you, like I said, it is GREED. Why aren’t our other.
    Politicians, beside AARON making a stand? They threw the residents aside like DIRTY SOCKS.
    I hope everyone is taking notes when it comes to the next Election. The City looks at us like.
    subjects, not Tax Paying Residents.

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