Patriot’s Day Parade and Reenactment, Monday, April 21, 2014
The annual Patriot’s Day parade and National Lancers reenactment of Paul Revere’s famous midnight ride will be held on Monday morning, April 21, 2014. The parade begins at City Hall Plaza at 9:15 a.m. and arrives at the North End’s Prado (Paul Revere Mall) at approximately 10:00 a.m. where the reenactment will take place starting the ride Brown Beauty takes Paul Revere to Lexington.
Parade Logistics
An estimated 500 marchers will travel from Cambridge Street to Tremont Street, left onto Bromfield Street, left onto Washington Street, right onto State Street, left onto Congress Street, right onto Hanover Street, northeasterly on Hanover Street, ending at the Paul Revere Mall, Prado. Boston drivers should be aware that traffic will be delayed in the vicinity of Boston’s Government Center on Monday morning, April 21st, due to the annual Patriot’s Day Parade. Parking restrictions necessary to accommodate the parade are as follows.
“Tow Zone No Stopping Boston Police Special Event Monday”
• Cambridge Street, both sides, from Court Street to Sudbury Street (Please note that parking is already restricted on portions of this street due to the Boston Marathon and the Big Apple Circus.)
• Bromfield Street, south side, from Washington Street to Tremont Street
• Washington Street, both sides, from Bromfield Street to State Street
• State Street, north side, from Washington Street to Congress Street
• Congress Street, northbound roadway, east side, from State Street to Hanover Street
• Hanover Street, both sides, from Congress Street to Charter Street.