
Comments Policy Follow-up

Thank you to everyone that responded to the polls regarding our comment system. Thanks also to those that contacted us privately via email or in person around the neighborhood.  One thing is for sure … everyone is reading the comments!

For the most part, we heard “Don’t fix what’s not broken.”

With 77% support in the first poll, the Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down feature will remain in the comments section.

As for the second poll and implementing a registration/login system, the majority also voted to “keep the system the way it is.” So, we will continue to allow comments without requiring a login.

Some readers told us they wanted to use their own social network accounts instead of having to type in their name and email for each comment. We already receive many comments via Facebook and Twitter that do not get reflected back on After some research, we put in optional login buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google or WordPress. Please know that we do not receive any private information from these networks. As always, we will not display email addresses publicly, sell them or add them to any distribution lists.

We also received feedback to be more strict in enforcing the comments policy, especially for anonymous comments. Understanding that some readers have a personal or professional reason to stay anonymous, we continue to feel there is value in allowing some comments under pseudonyms. But, we will be more vigilant about anonymous comments that may offend. When threads start to go off the rails, we will block most anonymous comments. Our primary goal in moderating comments is to allow for civil debate.

This post was a long way of saying that the comment system is basically staying the same. As before, you can simply enter your name and email address to comment without any login. A new feature in comment form will also offer buttons for those that wish to connect to their social network accounts. And lastly, we intend to more strictly enforce the comments policy.

I am always happy to hear from readers through the comments section below or privately through the contact form. Thank you for reading and participating on!

Matt Conti, Editor

One Reply to “Comments Policy Follow-up

  1. Matt, The optional log in button for those who wish to use their own social network is another great feature of this paper. Thanks for updating us on ‘comments policy follow-up’. Happy New Year!

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