“Narrow Streets, Molto Bene!”
“Took Forever to Finish”
If you had to guess where those words would appear on a Boston map, you might think of the North End and Big Dig/Greenway. That’s exactly what the folks at Urbane did in a new map of Boston. Some sterotypes just don’t die like “Inner Toxic Harbor” though the makers are keeping up to date in the news with “No Eastie Casino.”
Map image courtesy of Urbane, prints available.
Via Boston Magazine and H/T to Joyce Stephens
M-m-m-m-m- not crazy about “The Gays, The Brunch, etc.” Stuck out like a sore thumb.
Labeling people.
The map created of our beloved Boston is not at all clever or humorous….a bit derogatory, actually. Would you not agree? How could Mapurbane.com refer to ‘The Gays’, ‘The Brunch’ etc., when sectioning off South Boston territory? That would have worked in the ’60s. Haven’t we all gotten beyond labeling? And ‘Toxic harbor’, after all the work that was commissioned to save the harbor. ‘Super Elitist Rowing Races’ ? Yes, these elites happen to bring visitors from around the world, as being a one-of-a-kind races. Personally, I felt offended that Boston Magazine considers the map entertaining. I want to say, leave us alone, and that includes Bill Maher who nearly got fired for referring to the Marathon Bombing stating that ‘a few people got killed and some maimed, but it happens daily in car accidents’.
That’s not South Boston, it’s the South End – which is very well known for its gay population.
Personally, I feel you are overreacting and should lighten up 🙂