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Boston Garden Project Team Hears Community Concerns Regarding Three Tower Development [Video]

[responsive_youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bAX4Je2cKY]

The Boston Garden Project was presented at a Monday night community meeting, sponsored by the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) and the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). The above video shows the presentation and discussion, recorded on September 16, 2013 at the Nazzaro Community Center in Boston’s North End.

Boston Properties and Delaware North Companies reviewed their plans for a three tower mixed-use complex in front of the Boston Garden along Causeway Street. The proposed project includes a 600-foot high residential tower with 500 units, an office tower and a 306-room hotel, all sitting on a four-story podium of retail shops and possibly a supermarket.  The project is one of several large development projects that will transform the Haymarket, North Station and West End areas.

The 2-hour meeting included a comprehensive review of the developer’s plans with an architectural design presentation. A lengthy and sometimes contentious comment period raised community concerns about height, traffic congestion, lack of open space and environmental impacts.  A recurring comment was the cumulative impact of the Boston Garden project along with several other ongoing developments amid deteriorating surrounding public infrastructure, including the Charlestown Bridge, stressed public transportation hubs and general roadway traffic limitations.

The Project owners filed an Expanded Project Notification Form with the Boston Redevelopment Authority that is subject to a public comment period through October 24, 2013. Public comments can be submitted to the BRA via email to John.Fitzgerald.Bra@CityofBoston.gov. The BRA website has the official document filings (very large PDF file).

The Boston Garden Project is shown as #3 in the following map of area development projects, courtesy of NEWRA that recently reviewed potential impacts as a result of the surge in construction around the neighborhood.

8 Replies to “Boston Garden Project Team Hears Community Concerns Regarding Three Tower Development [Video]

  1. I strongly support the construction of the proposed Causeway Street project in front of the TD Garden. The development is ideally located near multiple transit lines in a location where it is essential to encourage density and walkability. In light of this, I encourage the city to maximize the height of the proposed project, while also increasing the percentage of affordable units in the design, to ensure that it maintains some element of socioeconomic diversity in the neighborhood. It will be critical for the ground floor of the project to simplify pedestrian access to North Station and the Boston Garden, while maintaining a diversity of neighborhood-oriented businesses such as a full-service grocery store, in addition to retail options which are geared towards commuters and visitors to the Garden. To underscore the importance of transit to the project and mitigate any traffic concerns, I also encourage the city to minimize the number of parking spaces in the proposed project. This, when coupled with extensive bicycle parking, will make the project a model for transit-oriented development and put increased housing density where it is most needed.

  2. This project is CRAZY BAD!!! Instead of the City of Boston powers that be, taking time to spend on negotiating projects like this… Why doesn’t the City spend its time making life better for those of us who actually live here and already pay taxes?

    How about fixing the Charlestown Bridge for starters. It is falling into the harbor. 5+ years ago, Mike Capuano said at a North End “Meet Your Rep Meeting” that the money had been allocated to repair and retrofit this major entrance to the city. Where did that money go?

    Boston is an old city, with few roads and access points considering its population. If North End-ers think the traffic is bad when there is a game or concert at the Garden, how are we going to feel trying to get around our neighborhood and the general area when there is years of construction? And when that is completed, how will the insufficient infrastructure accommodate 1000’s of new people living, working and shopping in a small area with 1 major road. I am all for “developing”, but without strategizing, and designing new infrastructure, and repairing the current crumbling infrastructure, FIRST how can the city think of supporting this project?

    1. I’m all for it. And I’m especially all for it if we get the grocery store. Seriously, all the developers putting up buildings around the Garden should take note – walk around the North End, ask people what they want, and put that on your ground floor. Developers would find their job’s a thousand times easier.

    2. How do you think the city pays to fix things? New taxpayers, like businesses and residents. These stupid community groups are full of narrow minded people who have no understanding of growth, economics or progress. If you want to see how blessed we are to have billions of dollars of investiment, go travel to Detroit. This kind of smart growth is GOOD! We need more people to live in downtown, to let it thrive. And the lady who thinks the height limit should be the height of the Zakim bridge is ridiculous. The city lacks a defining landmark because of people like her.

  3. There was too much whining at this meeting and not enough negotiation. Both the developer and bra guy seemed open to some changes, yet the audience seemed to unyielding which makes me question their motives.

    1. This was a first neighborhood meeting on the subject, so it’s understandable that concerns were raised. There will be negotiations, and anyone interested should attend the BRA’s Impact Advisory Group meetings for this project. Contact the BRA project manager, at john.fitzgerald.bra@cityofboston.gov to receive meeting notices.

    1. I know, respect development that is improving the city and giving life to a crappy streetscape. 1000 new apartments and condos to the area will make the area safer and more livable.
      I can’t believe we should “respect a bridge”, it is new! Soon, she will learn to respect this development, because it will make her neighborhood better.

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