After a string of public safety incidents and attacks in the North End, an online petition has been created to increase Boston Police presence in the North End, especially at night. The effort is the idea of Stephen Passacantilli, lifelong North End resident and current President of the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). The petition states:
Due to the recent spike in violent incidents North End residents and businesses believe a more visible and pro-active police presence is now absolutely necessary between the hours of 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. (7 days a week). To ensure a safe and healthy quality of life in the North End. the current status quo regarding police presence cannot continue.
Some of the recent incidents in June and July include:
- Attempted Robbery / Carjacking on Hanover Street
- Windows Smashed at Soon-to-be Pinkberry
- Arrest of Restaurant Pocketbook Thief
- Armed Robbery at 7-11 on Hanover Street
- Attempted Break-in on Hanover Street
- Fight on Commercial Street Gets Out of Hand
The petition is expected to be presented at upcoming community meetings, including the Public Safety Committee on August 1, 2013. In addition, the North End Chamber of Commerce is hosting BPD District A-1 detectives and officers on August 6th. View the Community Calendar for more meeting details.
Provide more police presence in the North End
between the hours of 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. (7 days a week).
[button link=”″ size=”xl”]Click Here to View and Sign the Petition.[/button]
Kudos to Stephen for taking the initiative on this.
I signed Stephen’s petition last night and will be sure to pass it along.
I emailed Capt. Lee, Sgt. Lema and Officer Boyle last Tues. 7/9/13, inquiring as to the current evening staffing / police presence on Hanover St., but have yet to hear back from anyone.
I look forward to discussing this urgent issue at our next Public Safety Meeting on Thurs. 8/1/13.
-David Marx-
NEWNC Public Safety Committee Chairman
How about we increase the police presence during the 8 PM – to 4 AM slot to areas that exactly need it for crimes that are truly serious like murder in stabbings in the Roxbury and Theater District. That is where the police are needed. I am sorry but the North End is an extremely safe area of the city. And to take away the A-1 officers from areas where there is serious crime occurring daily would be foolish
How about you go live in Roxbury or the Theater District and post to their boards instead?
We never had to worry about women getting “car jacked” or “robbed” coming out of work at any time of the night.
I never worried walking home at any time, day or night because I knew everyone. I know a hand full of people now. Thats the problem.
Drug abuse is a serious crime which leads to more serious crimes. Especially when it’s occurring out in the open. Are car jackings not a serious crime? Are B & E’s not a serious crime? Are armed robberies not serious crimes?
Just take a good hard look at what’s coming into the north end ! Take a good hard look at what the realty agents are renting to !
The cops couldn’t careless they are more concerned about arresting 80 year old men playing cards in a club because it make the news !
You do know it would be illegal for a “realty agent” NOT to rent to someone because of the the way they look right?
Only if the assessment of the way they look falls into a protected class – race, gender, etc. One can choose to decline a renter who looks like a student, looks like a drug addict or looks like they get into fights. Or if they look like they only wear orange colored clothes. Point being that the illegality only refers to certain protected features.
It’s not the way they look !!! It’s what they do !!! Get it right pal !!