Health & Environment

More Trash Violations on Fleet Street

Following up on Everyday Gutter Trash on North Street, here are a couple of more photos taken on Fleet Street today shortly after noon with garbage put out way too early on the street.

(Ed: Photos of trash violations should also be sent to the Mayor’s Hotline via Citizens Connect so that Green Tickets can be issued by city authorities and/or Public Works can respond. Use either one of the apps or the online website.)

6 Replies to “More Trash Violations on Fleet Street

  1. I live on Fleet Street and typically go to work at 730. For the past 2 weeks the trash pickup has come before I go to work. I refrain from putting my trash out until I go to work but have had an issue the past two weeks. I would firmly support shifting the time so that the trash does not sit on the street over night because as of right now I have to put my trash out the night before.


  2. Is there a way to get a report on how many violations have been given out, in what locations, the payment ration and how much income the the city has generated?

    Can the clean streets committee request this?


    1. We need the city to put an earnest effort in addressing the the filthiest streets in all of Boston (The North End)
      I have traveled to every major city in this country, I have never seen a neighborhood in such consistent long term deplorable sanitary conditions.
      This community has been exploited from a once very clean tenement slum, to a filthy middle and upper class dump.
      Stop the bullshit!!
      Start reinvesting in this community, How much of the profits does this city want to keep.
      Our community brings in more revenue per capita than any other neighborhood or ward in Boston.
      They have a nerve to raise property taxes,

      Pretty simple; if the streets are filthy clean them!!!
      They send city workers to clean Hanover St.
      The rest of us are told to sweep our own streets, I do not have a problem with that, I do sweep in front of my property, of course it is the debris from the neighborhood profiteers.
      Also most of the property is no longer owner occupied, but that exploitation started 30 years ago.
      Both new and life long residents are fed up!!
      The profit the city makes off of meal tax alone in this community is enough to have workers cleaning the streets of this neighborhood daily, once a week would be a start.
      The local neighborhood councils are still taking trash surveys to gather input, this should be your first red flag.
      The city needs to start taking the lead and responsibility for managing our resources and issues.
      We need to change our vote or move!
      Richard Montemarano.

  3. I was informed that the clean streets committee is no more…. Perhaps one of our neighborhood groups can request the information or reccomend where someone can find it.


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