Councilors Arroyo, Ross to Hold Hearing on Noisy Nighttime Trash Collection
— Home Rule Petition Would Allow City to Regulate Commercial Trash Pick Up —
On Monday, February 27, 2012, the Boston City Council Committee on Government Operations will hold a hearing on regulating commercial trash collection times. Currently, garbage trucks collecting trash in the middle of the night cause a great disturbance to residents throughout Boston. While the City of Boston has the authority to regulate timing of residential trash collection, the City does not have the same authority on commercial trash collection. To remedy this, City Councilor At-Large Felix G. Arroyo and District 1 City Councilor Michael P. Ross have been working collaboratively with State Representatives Marty Walz and Aaron Michlewitz to pass a Home Rule Petition to allow City regulation of commercial trash collection.
Speakers include, but are not limited to:
– City of Boston Officials
– Neighborhood Association Representatives
– Affected Boston Residents
WHAT: Hearing on Commercial Trash Collection Timing
WHEN: Monday, February 27, 2012, 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Boston City Hall, 5th floor, Iannella Chamber
Questions about this press release should be directed to Heather Perez, 617 635.4205,
city.council at for the full stenographic transcript of the today’s public meeting of Boston City Council
Mr Saklad’s comment HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TRASH HEARING. It is a link to a request for all CIty Council transcripts. While he may have a valid point, I find it inappropriate for him to post this as a comment here. He could ask the editor to post it as a story for him or perhaps post in the forum….but not pretend it is anything else.