At this week’s meeting of the North End Chamber of Commerce, a new commercial was released promoting the North End and its local businesses. Spearheaded by President Donna Freni, the NECC partnered with Comcast TV to produce the commercial. contributed some footage too.
The 30-second spot shows various “This is my North End” scenes, ending with the new “Little Italy” theme currently being promoted by the NECC. The ad spot is being coordinated with matching taxi tops, window decals, trash can advertising and bumper stickers. The commercial will appear on Comcast TV, online and in local venues.
Great commercial,to promote the North End.but how is the trash situation going to be handled? Has anyone walked through the Prado during this highly visited week? I have and to my disbelief saw that it hasn’t been swept or cleaned. Trash was left on the benches and ground. The Prado is the gateway to the Old North Church and one of the busiest areas during the Tourist Season. Nempac’s concerts will begin on July 11th. Does a visitor really want to sit in such an unsightly area to hear incredible music? City Hall needs to hear from its North End Residents. Its my North End and I want it to be clean.
This video shows, everything pertaining to Food & Coffee. Where are the
Banks, Insurance Companies, Real Estate Offices & Retail Stores?