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North End Chamber of Commerce Promotes “Little Italy” Theme at Meeting [Video]

The North End Chamber of Commerce held its second full meeting of the year on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 with its new board. The NECC is working on several promotional initiatives using a “Little Italy” theme along with “Boston’s Historic North End.” The Chamber introduced a new TV commercial, taxi top campaign, window decals, trash can advertising and bumper stickers. The group also hosted insurance presentations for local businesses.

Watch the above video to see all the presentations. A subject timeline is shown below so you can jump to specific parts of the video within the hour long meeting.

(00:00 in video) Welcome and Introductions – NECC President Donna Freni

(05:25) Treasurer’s Report – NECC Treasurer Chris Young

  • Membership Update
  • Membership dues: Pay at Century Bank

(10:00) North End Branding: Boston’s Historic North End / Little Italy – Damien DiPaola

  • Taxi Tops
  • Bumper Stickers
  • Member Decals
  • Comcast Commercial
  • Website – NECC Treasurer Chris Young

(25:50) Kiosk Plans Update – NECC President Donna Freni

(29:00) Trash Can Advertising – NECC VP Toni Gilardi

(36:00) Insurance for NECC Members

  • Lynco Insurance Group
  • Nobile Insurance Agency

(45:30) New Initiatives – NECC Treasurer Chris Young

  • Businesses coming before NECC for support
  • Organizations seeking donations to make requests to NECC

(50:00) Open Discussion

The new “Little Italy” taxi signs were also on display outside the meeting hall, shown below with some of the NECC members.

Photos by Matt Conti.

10 Replies to “North End Chamber of Commerce Promotes “Little Italy” Theme at Meeting [Video]

  1. i know that there are many good people on this board, but I can’t help but feel like the majority is people who live elsewhere and are simply looking to capitalize on the “ambience” and “reputation” of our neighborhood to serve their business needs or desires. At the end of the day, they are promoting and marketing an image that serves them and only them, while many of them watch from afar, look after their business interests and then go home to their suburban castles to count their money. I don’t blame them as they are just good business people, but let’s not look at many of these initiatives as being “good for the neighborhood”. They are good for themselves and will do PR-savvy things to pacify residents, but at the end of the day they are all about making money that doesn’t really stay in the neighborhood.

    1. A healthy and profitable business community is good for the neighborhood and brings in the tax dollars to pay for the city services. What is lacking is that amount of city services (esp trash and police) is not commensurate with the amount of tax dollars being generated here.

      Look at the uproar over Boschetto’s Bakery closing. Would you rather have them stay or another residential conversion to bring more yuppies and students?

      Just as with residents, there are always going to be good and bad business owners. Many still live here and the vast majority do a good job for everyone, including the residents. Having a positive Chamber of Commerce helping business owners is a good thing for the neighborhood.

      On the 4th, let’s remember this is America and we are a capitalist society. Not all of us can work for the government. That should be celebrated, not criticized.

    2. I have to agree. Tourist $ are a significant part of Boston’s economy. However, this is a residential neighborhood, that shares space with the many business owners, who do not live in the Neighborhood. The Tourist traffic, at this time of year is challenging. Business owners should be required to pay for clean up during this period. The Prado is a disgrace.
      Minimal trash receptacles, so the Mike’s Pastry boxes are left on the ground with the plastic
      water bottles. Coops Hill Burial Grounds, NO trash receptacles so cups, paper and debris.

      Private cleaning services would be a goodwill gesture, on the part of the business owners, for the inconvenience of not being able to walk down Hanover St. The business could adopt an area, The Prado, Coops Hill and have signage informing visitors that this area is maintained by the Business. A true win win, visiting a Historic landmark that is clean makes a positive statement.

      Any business, that would donate funds for attractive trash receptacles for the Prado and Coops Hill would inform visitors, that they care about their community and attract more business.

  2. The infusion of new leaderhip in the Chamber is promising. Perhaps now they will be more responsive to the interests of ALL businesses in the North End and work in colaboration with other neighborhood groups and residents.

    I agree that a succsesful local businesses is integral part of a vibrant neighborhood. Over the past 30 years, the North End has seen its local business community turn from one which consisted mostly of butchers, bakeries, salumerias, luncheonettes and mom & pop shops that operated in the morning/afternoon hours into a bustling nighttime restaurant/bar scene. The transformation has caused alot of angst among long time dwellers.

    Residents and businesses can and should work together to negotiate and push the City to better address litter, cleanliness and security issues in the neighborhood. I think the new leadership of the Chamber, many of whom are residents themselves, will step up to the plate.

    1. Jason, you are so RIGHT. There are a lot of No. End Business owners who think of themselves first as residents and then as business owners. There should never be any division between residents & business owners. I hope you are also right when you say these residents that are on the Chamber of Commerce do step up to the plate & get the message. There are a lot of No. End Residents who frequent these No. End Establishments, and believe me, none of these businesses look like they are hurting to me. There are also many businesses in the Neighborhood that DO NOT want to take part in the Chamber of Commerce and they are very content with their businesses, and more power to them. GOD BLESS YOU JASON.

    2. Of course I agree with Jason I just have to say this is not Little Italy anymore those days are long gone sorry to say There are some of us that where born here and remember the way it was Sad but true and when you get down to it the new comers dont want to hear the way things where it’s all about publicity to draw in tourist garbage and rodents New York had little Italy Too that’s gone If I have a piece of paper or any type of garbage I bring it home and never throw anything in st


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