Community Featured Meetings

Bricco Suites, MBTA Service Reductions, and Public Safety at Residents Meeting

The North End Waterfront/Residents’ Association (NEWRA) held its November meeting on Thursday, November 12th via Zoom. Public Safety Update: Boston Police A-1 Captain Robert Ciccolo provided a brief update, stating that the past 30 days have been largely uneventful in the North End, featuring a decrease in activity of approximately 20-25% overall in the district Read More…

Announcements Commentaries Event Notices

OpEd—14 N. Bennet St. Rectory Conversion ZBA Hearing, Nov. 10

By Ellen Hume The Zoning Board of Appeal will vote on November 10 on the proposal to turn the St. Leonard’s Rectory at 14 N Bennet St. into six condos, with no off-street parking, a new fifth story, and giant French Door windows with open balconies. We are inviting the neighborhood to attend the meeting Read More…

Featured Government

City Council Rejects Zoning Board Nominees; Mayor Walsh Warns Inaction Could Halt Development in Boston

The City Council voted seven-to-five in favor of rejecting Mayor Marty Walsh’s three zoning board nominees, following the recommendation of At-Large City Councilor Michelle Wu, Chairwoman for the Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation. Councilors Ricardo Arroyo, Kenzie Bok, Liz Breadon, Lydia Edwards, Kim Janey, Julia Mejia, and Michelle Wu all voted to dismiss the Read More…

Announcements Government

City Council Approves Reforms to Zoning Board of Appeals

From the Office of District 1 City Councilor Lydia Edwards The Boston City Council has approved reforms to the Zoning Board of Appeals filed by City Councilor Lydia Edwards. The changes include: Adding environmental and urban planning experts to the board; Setting term limits for board members; Requiring board members to recuse themselves from projects Read More…

Featured Government

Councilor Edwards Offers Zoning Board Amendment to Home Rule Petition

City Councilor Lydia Edwards (District 1) offered a revised draft of her home rule petition that was signed as an executive order by Mayor Marty Walsh in February 2020. Although the signed executive order addressed many of Councilor Edwards’ concerns regarding the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), she identified four areas of contention that she Read More…

Featured Government

City Council Discusses Effects of Zoning Variance Approvals on Boston Neighborhoods

City Councilor Liz Breadon (District 9) offered a hearing on zoning variances in Boston amid the ongoing conversation about rebuilding trust with residents regarding the Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) at a recent City Council meeting. According to Breadon, the Boston Zoning Code exists to preserve and protect neighborhoods against development that could potentially compromise Read More…

Community Featured Real Estate

Zoning Board of Appeal Hearing for St. Leonard’s Rectory Conversion Deferred Amid Neighborhood Opposition

Epsilon Partners requested a deferral for their Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) hearing on Tuesday, February 25, regarding the conversion of St. Leonard’s Rectory at 14 N. Bennet St. to residential units. The new hearing has been set for April 28, 2020 at 11:30am. Attorney Daniel Toscano, representative for Epsilon Partners, cited ongoing concerns from Read More…

Featured Government

Executive Order Will Increase Transparency & Efficiency of Zoning Board of Appeal

Mayor Walsh has signed an executive order to establish new, rigorous ethical standards for Boston’s Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA). The goal of the order is to strengthen public confidence in the ZBA by increasing the level of transparency, accountability, and integrity, as well as improve functions and efficiencies. According to the City, the order Read More…

Event Notices Government

Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) Reform Public Hearing Feb. 25

The Boston City Council will hold a public hearing on legislation filed by District 1 Councilor Lydia Edwards (North End, Charlestown, and East Boston) regarding the Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) on Tuesday, February 25 at 4 p.m. in the Ianella Chamber, 5th floor of Boston City Hall. Councilor Edwards spoke about her goals to Read More…


Councilor Edwards Presents Proposed Changes to Boston’s Zoning Board of Appeal

Councilor Lydia Edwards wants to change the city’s Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) by making it more transparent. At a recent city council meeting, Edwards presented a new proposal that would make several changes to the ZBA. “We need to do better,” she said. “We need to think better, and we need to bring new Read More…


Councilor Edwards Proposes Zoning Board of Appeal Overhaul

District One City Councilor Lydia Edwards, who represents the North End, East Boston and Charlestown, has filed legislation to make changes to Boston’s Zoning Board of Appeal. Read the full statement from the Office of Councilor Edwards below. The proposed legislation would change the membership, mandate, electronic notice and records policy, staffing and standards of Read More…

Event Notices Real Estate

Zoning Board of Appeal Notices: 32 Charter Street and 173 Endicott Street

City of Boston Zoning Board of Appeal Tuesday, October 17 9:30am at Boston City Hall, Room 801 32 Charter Street McDonough Family LLP seeks to renovate and redesign existing floor condominium, extending residential use into the basement. 173 Endicott Street Daniel Toscano, attorney, representing owner who seeks to erect a four unit building with four Read More…