Event Notices Featured Kids & Families

New Year’s Eve Ice Sculpture Stroll on Boston’s Waterfront

Boston Harbor Now has announced that, in partnership with more than a dozen waterfront organizations, it will once again host its annual free Ice Sculpture Stroll on New Year’s Eve. The Ice Sculpture Stroll will consist of more than twelve outdoor locations spread across four of Boston’s waterfront neighborhoods, including East Boston, the North End, Read More…

Event Notices Featured

Guide to New Year’s Eve on the Waterfront

Local businesses and cultural institutions on the Waterfront are bringing a full line-up of activities to ring in the new year! The fun starts at noon on New Year’s Eve and continues all day, culminating in harbor fireworks at midnight. The interactive ice sculpture stroll also returns this year, bringing 20 different sculptures to the Waterfront and Seaport! Use Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured Photos & Videos

Ice Sculpture Stroll on the Waterfront for New Year’s Eve [Photo Gallery]

Boston’s waterfront was the place to see 2019 ice sculptures on New Year’s Eve! Crowds came out during the day before the rain washed the artwork away in the evening. The ice sculpture stroll was organized by Boston Harbor Now, teaming up with local businesses and cultural institutions. We brought our own lights to shine Read More…

Event Notices Featured

New Year’s Eve in the North End & Waterfront

Boston Harbor Now has teamed up with several local businesses and cultural institutions in the Waterfront neighborhood to bring you a full line-up of activities to ring in the new year! The fun starts at 11 a.m. on New Year’s Eve and continues all day, culminating in harbor fireworks at midnight. There will be an Read More…

Community Featured

Reader Poll: Will You Join the Waterfront Ice Sculpture Stroll on New Year’s Eve?

Boston Harbor Now, in collaboration with local businesses and cultural institutions, is bringing back the Waterfront ice sculpture stroll this New Year’s Eve with over a dozen sites to visit! Those of you who strolled last year may recall the freezing temperatures that really got participants in the wintery spirit. The sculptures will again be Read More…

Community Photos & Videos

New Year’s Eve on the Waterfront: Ice Sculpture Stroll [Photos]

One benefit of the cold weather is that the waterfront ice sculptures are still going strong! If you didn’t make it around to the ice sculpture stroll, check out some of our highlights from New Year’s Eve on the Waterfront! Ice Sculpture Photo Opps Harbor Themed Creations Local Destinations Welcoming 2018

Daily Briefs

Weekend Brief: New Years Eve Happenings, Food Network Finds, A Festive Farewell to the Holidays

Things to know for Friday Your daily roundup for Friday, December 29: As this is our last daily brief of the 2017 calendar year, the NorthEndWaterfront.com team would like to thank you for your continued patronage to both our community and this website, and wish you a happy and healthy new year! A Festive Farewell Read More…

Event Notices Featured

Your Guide to New Year’s Eve on The Waterfront: Ice Sculptures, Fireworks and More!

Boston Harbor Now has teamed up with several local businesses and cultural institutions in the Waterfront neighborhood to bring you a full line-up of activities to ring in the new year! The fun starts at 11am and continues all day, culminating in harbor fireworks at midnight. There will be an interactive ice sculpture stroll from Read More…

Arts & Culture Business Event Notices Photos & Videos

Creative Photo Poses on the “Throne of Ice” Sculpture

One of the most creative First Night ice sculptures this year is the “Throne of Ice” from the new team at Faneuil Hall Marketplace. The throne opened at noon on New Year’s Eve and is generating quite the NYE buzz as “quite possibly the coolest ice sculpture in Boston,” per BostonTweet. The weather is perfect Read More…