Community Health & Environment

Planting for Spring in Christopher Columbus Park

Close your eyes and imagine a warm April breeze and bright yellow daffodils dancing in the sun. As the days shorten and the cold sets in, planning for brighter days gets us through the dark winter. Recently, members of the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park’s Horticultural Committee including Horticulture Co-Chairs Robyn Reed and Terese O’Connell along Read More…


Pop-Up Pumpkin Patch Delights Children at Columbus Park

“Find a Pumpkin—Take a Pumpkin” was the message in Columbus Park on the afternoon of Thursday, October 15, when the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park (FOCCP) hosted its first pop-up pumpkin patch. Ann Babbitt, Friends of Christopher Columbus Park Vice President, conceived of the idea for this alternative experience when the annual Fall Festival had Read More…

Arts & Culture Community

New Artwork: Bats! At Christopher Columbus Park

“Holy bat cave, Batman!” Robin of Batman and Robin fame might say this if he entered the trellis at Christopher Columbus Park these October days. Another Robin, Robyn Reed, Park Art Curator for the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park, has created a whimsical art installation at the Park. When walking under the trellis, look up to see Read More…


Friends of Christopher Columbus Park Receive Golden Trowel Award

The Golden Trowel Award was presented to Friends of Christopher Columbus Park (FOCCP)’s Horticultural Committee Co-Chairs Robyn Reed and Terese O’Connell for the Garden of Hope on Wednesday, August 5, 2020. Parks Commissioner Ryan Woods presented the award, noting that the garden earned first place for its beauty and design and FOCCP’s mission to cut Read More…


Garden of Hope Wins First Place in Mayor’s Garden Contest

The idea for the Garden of Hope at Christopher Columbus Park was born out of disappointment when, early last spring, dozens of hybrid roses in the classic rose garden failed to make it through the winter season. The Friends of Christopher Columbus Park Horticulture Chairs, Robyn Reed and Terese O’Connell, teamed up to create the Garden of Hope. Read More…


Birds, Bees, and Butterflies, Oh My!

The Garden of Hope at Christopher Columbus Park, lovingly tended by the all-volunteer Horticulture Committee of the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park, is awash with riotous color and bursting with life, as birds, bees, and butterflies flit among the flowers. What is more beautiful than a flower in full bloom?  The answer: a flower attracting Read More…


Come Visit the Trees of Love in Christopher Columbus Park

Come for a walk in Christopher Columbus Park and enjoy a fleetingly fragrant experience of honey, vanilla and citrus as the Park’s five Little Leaf Linden trees come into bloom. These lovely trees with heart-shaped leaves are distinctive with a rich symbolic history stretching back over a thousand years. Villagers in the German and Norse Read More…


A Garden of Hope at Christopher Columbus Park

Hope is springing up in the classic rose garden at Christopher Columbus Park. Early this spring, Friends of Christopher Columbus Park (FOCCP) Horticulture Co- Chairs, Robyn Reed and Terese O’Connell, discovered that most of the hybrid roses did not make it through the winter. Faced with a nearly barren space and not planning to replace Read More…


Art Installation at Christopher Columbus Park: “Even if you don’t see it, it is there”

Being responsive to our common needs and interconnectedness during these challenging times, the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park’s Art Curator Robyn Reed recently hung a new art installation at the Park entitled, “even if you don’t see it, it is there.“ Drawing inspiration from graffiti artist DAKU, who incorporates shadows in his work, Robyn chose Read More…


Friends of Christopher Columbus Park Adds a Super-Hopscotch

Is it art? Is it a game? It’s both! Robyn Reed, Friends of Christopher Columbus Park Art Curator, and her FOCCP assistant, Meredith Piscitelli, have added another hopscotch grid at Christopher Columbus Park. (The first one is on the path leading from Richmond Street.) Recently, Robyn and Meredith, masked and maintaining social distance, installed the Read More…

Photos & Videos

Hats Galore! Friends of Christopher Columbus Park Virtual Derby Party

The postponement of the Kentucky Derby did not stop some Friends of Christopher Columbus Park (FOCCP) from celebrating with a Zoom Derby Party. In the spirit of Derby Day, these fashionistas wore a variety of hats. There were bucket hats, fascinators, a French beret, and many bedecked, broad brimmed hats. A fun time was had Read More…