Close your eyes and imagine a warm April breeze and bright yellow daffodils dancing in the sun. As the days shorten and the cold sets in, planning for brighter days gets us through the dark winter. Recently, members of the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park’s Horticultural Committee including Horticulture Co-Chairs Robyn Reed and Terese O’Connell along Read More…
Tag: Daffodils
“Boston Blooms with Daffodils” This Fall
“Boston Blooms with Daffodils” will return this fall, a recurring beautification initiative in the City of Boston. The Boston Parks and Recreation Department will distribute over 15,000 daffodil bulbs for planting on public ways citywide. Individuals, civic associations, church groups, sports leagues, scout troops, open space advocates, and parks friends are encouraged to sign up Read More…
Daffodils Arrive at Christopher Columbus Park
Friends of Christopher Columbus Park (FOCCP) members Robyn Reed, Pauline Cuoco, and Terese O’Connell, under the direction of Meredith Piscitelli, have placed nearly 200 pots of daffodils under the trellis and nearby at Christopher Columbus Park. These flowers have come to symbolize hope and resilience in the aftermath of the 2013 Marathon Bombings and have Read More…
Marathon Daffodils to be Distributed to Hospitals
For six years Marathon Daffodils has lined the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon route, as well as Boston’s neighborhood parks, with bright yellow daffodils on Marathon Monday to honor those who lost their lives in the Marathon bombings of April 15, 2013. Although the Boston Marathon will not be taking place in April 2020 due to Read More…
“Boston Blooms with Daffodils” This October
The City initiative “Boston Blooms with Daffodils” returns this October when 20,000 daffodil bulbs will be distributed citywide for volunteers to plant over the weekends of October 25 and November 1. The Parks department worked with over 100 community groups last year to plant these bulbs in public areas across the city. Anyone from individuals to civic Read More…
Preview Trailer – Path of the Daff
This is a story about a flower fulfilling its potential, and the people who help it along its journey. In the wake of the 2013 bombings, Boston blooms again on Patriot’s Day with its newest tradition – the Boston Marathon Daffodils. One man with a camera and an editing system follows one daffodil bulb’s adventure Read More…
Planting for the Future at Christopher Columbus Park
On a day after a drenching rain, members of the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park’s horticulture group waded into the soggy soil and planted 300 daffodil bulbs in the crescent garden near the trellis. The bulbs provided through the city’s Boston Blooms with Daffodils program were in prime condition, so hopes for a spectacular spring Read More…
“Boston Blooms With Daffodils” This October
The City initiative “Boston Blooms with Daffodils” returns this October when 20,000 daffodil bulbs will be distributed citywide for volunteers to plant over the weekends of October 26 and November 2. The Parks department worked with over 100 community groups last year to plant these bulbs in public areas across the city. Anyone from individuals to civic Read More…
Marathon Daffodils Placed in Neighborhood Parks, Marking 5 Years After Bombings
“Boston Strong” Marathon Daffodils not only line the 26.2 mile route, but potted daffodil plants are spread throughout Boston’s neighborhood parks this weekend, including Christopher Columbus Park on the North End waterfront. The respectful gesture honors those who were lost five years ago on the April 15th bombings. Organizers including the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park ask Read More…
Downtown View: Hunting for Spring
About this time of year, everyone gets antsy. When will winter really end? A few warm days help make everyone feel better. But it is when the magnolias bloom along Back Bay’s streets and when the beds in the Boston Public Garden fill with blooms that it really seems like spring. The Greenway has also Read More…
Eliot School Students Plant Bulbs in Charter Street Park
City Suites/C.S. Management who maintains the Charter Street Park built in 1984 and have maintained it sends, held a “Bulb-A-Thon Planting” in the Park with fourth-grade students from the Eliot School. The firm did this ten years ago and is considering making the planting a regular fall event in the future. Staff drilled holes with Read More…
Apply Now for 2014 Boston Blooms With Daffodils
News from Boston Parks and Recreation: The application process is now open for the 2014 Boston Blooms with Daffodils program. For more than a decade, Parks Partners have helped to plant hundreds of thousands of daffodil bulbs in public spaces throughout our wonderful city. We wish to continue to beautify our city. Attached, please find a Read More…