The photo I’m sharing today comes from a postcard dated 1908 and depicts the Copp’s Hill Burying Ground. I assume the date is accurate because there is a date written on the card and the New York company that printed the card was in business from 1904-1911. The picture appears to have been taken from Read More…
Tag: Copp’s Hill Burying Ground
Life on the Corner: New Guinea
When I was about twelve years old my mother would occasionally send me to buy fish at a fishmonger near Faneuil Hall called Sanborn’s. We got most of our fish from the Sicilian fishermen who hung in my father’s tavern but my mother liked creamed finnan haddie which wasn’t available in the North End. Angelo Read More…
Jigsaw Picture Puzzle: Prince Hall Freemasons in North End on Memorial Day
The annual Prince Hall Freemasons Memorial Service is held at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground on Memorial Day weekend. Prince Hall (c.1735-1807) is buried there with a monument recognizing him as one of the first abolitionists and the founder of Black Freemasonry in the United States, now known as Prince Hall Freemasonry. Thousands of African Americans who lived in the Read More…
Neighborhood Photo: Snowy Copp’s Hill Burying Ground
Here is the snow-covered scene at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground, captured by Chris Courtade.
Jigsaw Picture Puzzle: Bullet Holes in Daniel Malcom Gravestone
We’re back to Copp’s Hill Burying Ground at the gravestone of Captain Daniel Malcom, complete with bullet holes. Malcom was a sea captain who strongly opposed British taxation and frequently smuggled in his wine and tea cargo without paying the duty. North End folklore has it that when British soldiers occupied Copp’s Hill before the Battle of Bunker Read More…
Jigsaw Picture Puzzle: Lion’s Head Bubbler at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground
As part of the recent renovation at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground, the historic bubbler was refurbished complete with newly molded lion’s heads. As far as I know, the water fountain isn’t actually operating but it still restores another element to Boston’s second oldest cemetery. To see the full image, you’ll have to drag and put Read More…
Street Cleaning Saves Cars as Tree Branch Falls from Copp’s Hill Burying Ground
In Tuesday afternoon’s sun shower, one of the trees at the Copp’s Hill Burying Ground snapped and fell onto Snow Hill Street. “The large branch also took out the fence too,” says Jennifer McGivern who shares this photo of the scene. Car owners that usually park on the street can count their blessings. “Luckily it Read More…
Copp’s Hill Burying Ground Restoration Topped Off With Bird’s Head Spigot Replica
The Spring 2014 newsletter from the Historic Burying Grounds Initiative contains a update on the restoration project recently completed at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground in Boston’s North End. The restored fence on Charter Street was installed last October, but a special bird’s head spigot took extra time to be cast. The feature in the center Read More…
Parks & Open Spaces Report at Residents’ Association Meeting [Video]
[responsive_youtube] (00:00 in video) Anne Pistorio, Chair of the Parks and Open Spaces Committee for the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) reported on the status of North End parks. She also reported on her meeting with City Councilor Sal LaMattina where she presented a list of work needed at the Copp’s Hill Read More…
Neighborhood Photo: The Quiet and Snowy Graves at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground
Michelle Descamps-Mario went for a walk to Copp’s Hill Burying Ground on Saturday. “I found the cemetery in a surreal beauty, still buried in deep snow mostly undisturbed,” she noted when capturing this photo of a snowy drift amid the gravestones. “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on Did you take an interesting photo Read More…
“Mather Redux” Brings Perspective on the North End’s Cotton Mather [Photos]
The symposium MATHER REDUX: New perspectives on Cotton Mather culminated on Mather’s home turf this weekend in Boston’s North End. Alex Goldfeld, Board President and Historian of the North End Historical Society expertly led a tour exploring places related to the much-misunderstood cleric, physician and philosopher. Sites included the corner of Richmond and North Streets Read More…
North End Freedom Trail Sites Remain Open Despite Government Shutdown
As the Fall leaf-peeking tourist season peaks in New England, there has been some confusion regarding which of Boston’s historic sites are impacted by the government shutdown. Historic North End sites such as the Old North Church, Paul Revere House and Copp’s Hill Burying Ground remain open. National Park Service and US Navy sites are Read More…