Community Government

Old North, Charter Realty Applying for Community Preservation Grants

An information session about the Community Preservation Act was held earlier this week at the Nazzaro Center where a group of residents learned about the act’s mission, the eligibility criteria and how to apply. The Community Preservation Act (CPA) provides funds for acquisition, creation, preservation and enhancement of open space, historic resources and affordable housing in Read More…

Community Real Estate

Reader Poll: If Not Starbucks, Then What?

The proposed Starbucks at the corner of Hanover and Cross Streets has been strongly opposed by many North End residents and businesses. Last week Mayor Walsh encouraged the applicant to withdraw the proposal, and since then we’ve learned it’s been deferred indefinitely. If the Starbucks does indeed get withdrawn or denied, what would you like to Read More…

Featured Food & Drink

Mayor Walsh Tells Starbucks to Withdraw Proposal for North End Location

Mayor Marty Walsh came out strongly against the proposed North End location at the Charter Realty development on Cross Street, between Hanover and Salem. “After hearing the concerns from residents about sustaining the culture and historic nature of the North End, I encouraged the applicant to withdraw the proposal to locate a Starbucks at the entrance to Read More…

Featured Food & Drink Meetings

Proposed North End Starbucks Strongly Opposed at Public Meeting [Video]

Opponents of a proposed North End Starbucks made a powerful showing at a nearly three-hour public meeting on Thursday night. The issue at hand is a take-out license request by the coffee company under consideration by city officials at 198 Hanover Street, part of the Charter Realty development along Cross Street. The gathering was moderated by Read More…

Community Featured

Video: “The Last Little Italy” Fights Proposed Starbucks in North End

“The Last Little Italy” is a new video opposing the proposed Starbucks store at the gateway to Boston’s North End, located on the corner of Hanover and Cross Streets. The video was created by Rocco Capano and features many of the North End caffes and business owners. The group has been active on Facebook and Read More…

Real Estate

Landmarks Commission Demolition Delay on Cross Street Properties Ends in June

The Boston Landmarks Commission voted to invoke a 90-day demolition delay regarding the buildings on Cross Street between Hanover and Salem (198 Hanover St., 60 Cross St. and 53 Salem St.). The BLC informed the applicant, Charter Realty, that the delay could be lifted early if they make some alterations to the proposed design to make it Read More…

Business Meetings Real Estate

Cross Street Development Options Presented for Boston Landmarks Commission

Charter Realty presented updated plans this week for Cross Street (between Hanover & Salem), following up on the previous meeting regarding the 5,500 square foot development proposal. The space encompasses three buildings, 198 Hanover Street, 60 Cross Street, and 53 Salem Street that are in a location that many refer to as the, “Gateway to the North Read More…


Poll: What Do You Think of the Redevelopment Plans for Cross Street?

There is a community meeting on March 7th regarding the demolition of the buildings on Cross Street, between Hanover & Salem Street. Old timers will remember the location as Martignetti Liquors. Since then, the various storefronts have turned over several times. New owner Charter Realty has presented preliminary plans for a 5,500 sq. ft. commercial development Read More…

Event Notices

Community Meeting: Demolition of Cross Street Buildings

198 Hanover St/60 Cross St/53 Salem St Article 85 Demolition Delay Community Meeting Tuesday, March 7th 2017 7:00pm Nazzaro Community Center 30 North Bennet St This community meeting is being held as part of an Article 85 Demolition Delay application to demolish the buildings at 198 Hanover St, 60 Cross St, and 53 Salem St, Boston, Read More…

Business Meetings Real Estate

Cross Street Development Going to Boston Landmarks Commission

Charter Realty was at the Nazzaro Center to inform residents about the proposed demolition to take place at 198 Hanover Street, 60 Cross Street, and 53 Salem Street in Boston’s North End. These three buildings, owned by Charter Realty, will be demolished for a 5,500 square feet development that would span from Hanover Street to Salem Street. The Read More…

Business Meetings Real Estate

Demolition Delay Meeting Set for Cross Street Buildings on February 7th

COMMUNITY MEETING Article 85 Demolition Delay 198 Hanover St. / 60 Cross St. / 53 Salem St. Tuesday, February 7, 2017 7:00 p.m. Nazzaro Community Center 30 N. Bennet Street This community meeting on February 7th is being held as part of an Article 85 Demolition Delay application to demolish the buildings at 198 Hanover St, Read More…

Real Estate

Residents Oppose Cross Street Development Plan at Former Martignetti’s Site

Charter Realty and Development attended another neighborhood meeting as they committed to once again present their proposal that encompasses the current four story residential/commercial building at 53 Salem Street and 64-66 Cross Street (one-story retail) also known as Martignetti’s. The project comprises of 5,500 square feet with potential site wide seating if an agreement can Read More…