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North Square Preservation Award “Extended Cut” with A+J Art+Design [Video]

The North Square reconstruction project was awarded one of nine 2020 Preservation Achievement Awards by the Boston Preservation Alliance. The award recognizes the resilience of individuals, the versatility of historic buildings, and the importance of storytelling in keeping our histories alive.

The Boston Preservation Alliance has now released their extended cut film of the 2020 award-winning projects. Watch the video above to hear from A+J Art+Design’s Anne Hirsch and Jeremy Angier, along with Nina Zannieri, Executive Director of the Paul Revere Memorial Association.

A+J Art+Design was selected to create the artwork for the renovated North Square, a $2.5 million revitalization project. In the interview above, Hirsch and Angier speak about the community process in designing the artwork. The team met with the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) and North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA), and incorporated artwork from students at the North End’s Eliot and St. John schools.

The four sculptures—1798 North Square View, North End Story Map, Fantastical Historical Nautical Instrument, and “What We Brought With Us” Suitcase Sculpture—each reflect some piece of the history and culture of the North End.

Read more coverage of this project by searching the tag: North Square Reconstruction and North Square.

4 Replies to “North Square Preservation Award “Extended Cut” with A+J Art+Design [Video]

  1. The only thing public about North Square at this point is the $2.5 million in public funds used to renovate it. There’s no public seating, shade, or any reason for a resident to utilize the space at all. In fact, nobody in the public can use the space after 4pm at all since we’ve acquiesced it to a couple of private businesses.

    I’m sad to see this being awarded anything.

    1. Maybe next spring people will start using the space pending what happens with this pandemic and the outdoor dining for next year. Although maybe some people can check it out this winter if it’s not too cold for specific people. I would I am a cold person to a extent. The matter is though they did a great job with this project I like it.

  2. I have to agree with Adam. It has no flavor anymore. It’s cold, has that plain urban look. Does not fit the historic area anymore.

  3. As I previously said in all of the public meetings during the design phase, the square needs more landscaping and a couple of shade trees to fully “activate” the space. Shame on DPW for refusing to listen!

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