Featured Transportation

N. Washington St. Bridge Update: Demolition 95% Complete; Vibratory Hammer Work Continues 7AM – 3PM

Below is the construction look ahead for the North Washington Street Bridge Replacement Project as provided by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) for the weeks of November 15 – November 28, 2020.

North Washington Street Bridge Replacement with Temporary Bridge

Vibratory Hammer Noise Impacts 

A vibratory hammer is being used to install the five cofferdams which will be needed to build the piers of the new bridge. Installation of each cofferdam takes about two weeks. The project has positioned a combination of hanging sound blankets and temporary barrier to minimize noise impacts from the vibratory hammer. These measures will be adjusted as needed and appropriate. 

Use of the vibratory hammer began on 10/6. Work hours are during the day (7 a.m. – 3 p.m.).

Description of Scheduled Work

Demolition of piers and center substructure, cleaning of demolition site, installation of silt curtain, north and south abutment and drain line. In addition, there will be sheeting and bracing of cofferdams. 

Work Hours

Most work will be done during the daytime (6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.).

Work That Has Been Completed

Prior to 11/15, crews continued to demolish the existing bridge. The bridge is 95% demolished and work on the cofferdams is 40% complete.

Travel Tips

Westerly sidewalk, Lovejoy Wharf stairs near Converse are open to the public with the opening of the temporary bridge, the adjacent section of the Harborwalk passing under the bridge remains closed.

The Tudor Wharf Walkway (under the bridge next to the water in Paul Revere Park) will be intermittently closed for safety during construction operations, with access provided via the Water Street underpass.

Read more from MassDOT here and follow NorthEndWaterfront.com coverage of the bridge project by searching the tag N. Washington St. Bridge. Contact NorthWashingtonStreet@dot.state.ma.us with any questions or concerns.

One Reply to “N. Washington St. Bridge Update: Demolition 95% Complete; Vibratory Hammer Work Continues 7AM – 3PM

  1. This Bridge became a MGM Production. If this bridge does not have 3 lanes on each
    side, shame on them. The traffic in & out of the city is horrendous, and should be made
    easy for every driver who enters & exits the city. The site seeing should be below where
    there can be benches, etc. for those who want to enjoy the view. Far too to much time has
    been spent on this bridge to make a stupid mistake, like 2 lanes on each side.

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