Event Notices Kids & Families

North End Trick-Or-Treating & Teal Pumpkin Project

This Halloween, the North End Waterfront Mothers’ / Fathers’ Association (NEWMA) is once again sponsoring neighborhood trick-or-treating on Saturday, October 31.

The group is moving forward with planning this year’s trick-or-treating while stressing that things may change based on City guidance surrounding Halloween.

The printing and distribution of the trick-or-treating flyers will take place the week of Oct. 12–Oct. 17, 2020. All local businesses, families, and neighbors are welcome to join and can decide their own comfort levels with participation on Saturday, October 31st.

Volunteers needed! Please reach out via email to Northendhalloween@gmail.com to help distribute trick-or-treating flyers or to volunteer in a more in-depth capacity.

In order for the holiday be a wholly inclusive celebration, NEWMA encourages both residents and local businesses to participate in the Teal Pumpkin Project. This is a nationwide movement by the Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) organization to encourage offerings of non-food treats in addition to traditional candy to trick-or-treaters at Halloween. It is a way for children with food allergies, diabetes, celiac disease, as well as other medical conditions – for whom all candy may not be an option –to enjoy a safer, happier holiday.

All trick-or-treating participants will be reminded to follow public safety guidelines regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic: wear face coverings, keep social distance, use hand sanitizer and/or wash hands frequently, and keep contact with others limited to small groups and brief encounters.

Visit tealpumpkinproject.org to learn more or contact northendhalloween@gmail.com with any questions.

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