Event Notices Meetings

Residents’ Association Sept. 10 Agenda: N. Washington St. Bus Lane, Harbor Garage Redevelopment, Save Boston’s Waterfront, Daily Catch Waterfront Expansion Request

The North End/ Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, September 10th, 2020 at 6:30pm via Zoom.

The meeting will include three presentations regarding the N. Washington St. proposed bus lane, the Harbor Garage Redevelopment project proposal for a 600-foot high building, and Save Boston’s Waterfront voicing opposition to the Harbor Garage Redevelopment project plans.

There will be discussion and a vote about a NEWRA-drafted letter in response to the developer’s Environment Notification Form for the Harbor Garage Redevelopment project. Daily Catch Waterfront located at 65-69 Atlantic Avenue with present and seek approval to expand their restaurant use into an adjacent former laser studio.

To join the meeting, visit the Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 829 5647 6928

See the full agenda below.