It’s been nearly two months since the traffic shift to the temporary N. Washington St. bridge as work continues to replace this main connection between the North End and Charlestown.
The temporary bridge, which is expected to be in use until November 2021, has two inbound lanes, one outbound lane, and an 8-foot-wide sidewalk on the locks side.

Around the clock work continues to remove parts of the old bridge and prepare for the new one. Scheduled work for the end of September includes demolition of pier and center substructure, removal of deck and steel, installation and maintenance of silt curtain, cofferdam, tide gate, phase 2 fender system, and drainage.
How do you think work on the N. Washington St. bridge construction project is going? Are you happy with the project? Or are you finding it to be more of a headache than you imagined? Vote in our poll and add your comments in the section below.
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The bridge is getting done very quickly. It looks strange without the bridge there.
Great job!
Seemingly going well, not sure about how well the pedestrian crossover is going to hold up over the winter