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Reader Poll: How is Neighborhood Parking Going?

Resident parking has always been a challenge in the North End / Waterfront neighborhood. When the statewide shutdown due the Coronavirus pandemic began back in March, tickets and towing for street sweeping was paused, allowing residents who were no longer commuting to work daily to leave their cars in their parking spots. Many other individuals with resident stickers left the city, and the North End streets seemed to open up a bit more for parking.

Now activity is returning to the area, with cafe zones taking up street spaces, and construction projects and utility work resuming. The City is offering free parking at the Government Center Garage for Hanover and Salem St. residents impacted by the new outdoor dining, but some feel this is not enough.

With tourism remaining low and the North End feasts canceled for this season, some feel parking is less difficult than usual during this time of year, while others feel the cafe zones and other temporary bans have made parking more difficult than usual during this time of year.

What do you think? How is neighborhood parking going? Vote in our poll and add your comments in the section below!

Web polls are unscientific and reflect only those who choose to participate. polls do not have any official significance and are only intended for the interest of our readers.

8 Replies to “Reader Poll: How is Neighborhood Parking Going?

  1. Parking is a disaster. There is so much construction going on that several of the few spots that are available are taken up by construction vehicles left there overnight or you have to be moved by 7 am.

  2. A disaster may be an understatement ! The long suffering residents of the North End got the short end of the stick as usual! Several of us commented on the violations by the restaurants with the outdoor dining on this site when outdoor dining was allowed.No social distancing majority of diners not wearing masks, patrons smoking , some dining with their dogs , no dividers in between tables or tables being 6 feet apart. A total fiasco.

  3. I feel that the city is not doing enough to support local residents of the North End who rely on resident parking spaces. The Cafe Zones take up parking spots on streets outside of Hanover and Salem, and there is no guarantee that residents who qualify for free parking will take advantage of the Government Center Garage. Some may first attempt to find alternative parking spots in the North End, taking up the limited spaces as a result of the Cafe Zones. I have also seen a number of out of state plates parked in resident spots. I would like to see better enforcement of parking tickets for those vehicles as well.

  4. 21 people live in my building, which has a frontage of 26-ft. It’s asinine to think that curb side parking has ever or will ever provide enough space for all these people to park–with or without cafe seating. Fortunately, most people who live in the North End have come to this conclusion and do not own a car. Unfortunately, for those who don’t heed the laws of physics, we must hear endless whining about how there is not enough free on-street parking. In this instance, the City has at least guaranteed free, off-street parking spaces in Government Center Garage. Prior to the cafe seating, residents of Hanover and Salem had no such guarantee with their resident parking permit, as the City has dolled out 4,000 permits for only 1,400 on-street spaces.

    1. Laws of physics? Ok, Einstein, some people need to go to work, do errands, visit family outside the city or whatever. Also, in case you haven’t noticed, public transit isn’t exactly the safest mode of transportation right now. Call it the laws of science, getting from point A to point B. I’m sorry you have to hear us “whine” but we aren’t asking you to listen. We are asking public officials to have common sense.

  5. I’m very dissatisfied with the city’s response to our parking concerns. I am sandwiched between Hanover Street and all the construction that’s going on. Every time I take my car somewhere I have instant anxiety about where I’m going to park when I get home or how long its going take me to find a spot. I shouldn’t have to be a prisoner of my own community because I’m afraid to move my car. I see lots of out-of-state and non resident cars parking in residential only parking spots. The city needs to start reimbursing residents who have to park overnight in parking lot when they cannot find parking.

  6. We are 5 numbers past the cut off on Salem Street. My husband comes home from work and spends about an hour a day trying to find a parking space. Usually, since he has to get up early, he’s good on most of Salem st and Hanover street. I’m panicked at the thought of having to move my vehicle, so I walk everywhere or wait for him to drive me as if I don’t have a vehicle to drive! Those free off-street parking spaces need to be expanded to a circle around the businesses taking up spaces – not to those apartments directly above them. That is silly! Who parks within 100 feet of their door every day?!?!

  7. Parking, unfortunately, will always be difficult. However,, outdoor dining has made it much worse. The fact that only a certain area is permitted garage access is not right. There are many other streets that have had intense impact. This needs some work. Also, if indoor dining has begun- why so much out door dining?. This is like a constant feast. How about a few tables per restaurant. Not entire blocks.
    .Every day, at any given time, there are cars without resident stickers in spots and quite often out of state plates. Very annoying all around.

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