Health & Environment

NEW Health Opens Dental and Vision Departments

As we continue phase 2 of Governor Baker’s reopening plan, North End Waterfront (NEW) Health is happy to announce that our Dental and Vision departments have begun seeing patients in-person.

In the meantime, we will continue conducting a combination of in-person and virtual appointments in all other departments. Please continue to call before entering the health center to make an appointment to receive care.

The providers at NEW Health understand how difficult it has been forgoing face-to-face interactions. As we phase into reopening we excitedly look forward to the day when we can operate the health center at full capacity. However, NEW Health must continue to follow guidelines provided to ensure that we can continue offering a safe and healthy environment to receive care.

With each new phase of reopening comes new guidelines for businesses and residents to follow. These guidelines are an important part of the reopening process. They help keep us healthy and safe and allow us to continue efficiently fighting COVID-19. The health and safety of our patients, staff, and community have remained NEW Health’s main concern throughout the entirety of this global pandemic.

Our concerns have not changed as we begin phase 2 of the reopening process. Patient capacity at the health center is rising, more departments are opening for appointments, new patients are being happily accepted, and we are continuing to operate our Charlestown testing site.

Please know that NEW Health is following every guideline given to us by the Department of Public Health and Mass General Hospital to guarantee a safe environment for you to receive care. That includes continuing our universal mask policy and continuing our prescreening process for patients who have made appointments.

We will continue use of a greeter at the door who will supply you with a new mask, ask you to sanitize your hands, and screen you for COVID-19 symptoms once again. We have re-organized all waiting areas to allow for 6 feet of distancing between patients and we have adopted a new cleaning/disinfecting protocol.

If you have questions or concerns about your care, please do not hesitate to call! We are happy to hear from you and will do everything we can to ensure you get the care you need and deserve. If you are asked to come into the health center for a visit, rest assured knowing we are heavily emphasizing the disinfection of all surfaces that you may come in contact with. If you are unsure whether your questions and concerns are worthy of an appointment, please do not hesitate to call!

All health-related matters are important, and we are here for you and your family every step of the way.

NEW Health is also offering drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing to all Charlestown and North End residents at 15 Tufts Street in Charlestown. Testing is by appointment only. Please call 857-238-1100 to schedule.

6 Replies to “NEW Health Opens Dental and Vision Departments

  1. I am suppose to be going next Wednesday for a teeth cleaning, I don’t feel it’s right yet too early for me. I can’t risk it. Teeth can wait until there’s a treatment for the virus. I understand they are on point with the PPE and safety but this customer is very serious about this virus and health here.

  2. CM I’m with you. I’m in a high risk group and I’m not comfortable going in a supermarket or a pharmacy. I can’t believe that so many people are marching & protesting in large crowds . I fear another wave of this virus is coming.

    1. Michael D I am young but even in the 20s this virus is coming after folks just saw that some woman in her 20s got a lung transplant! I can handle the supermarket (whole foods mostly), but I’m not ready for dental yet or any appointments. I went two years before without a teeth cleaning no cavities etc they may have to wait I know they do care and understand but the customer is always right.

      1. Michael D I support peaceful protesting and that BLM movement. it’s a right in this country but if they can have large crowds then there’s no reason they can’t even be just a one day procession down the North End. Like in June, espically this Saturday for St Anthony (not August’s).

        1. Good point I support people’s rights to protest as long as it’s done peacefully. I understand the debate over Christopher Columbus but I can’t condone vandalism it’s just wrong plus it’s a crime although I’m starting to question if anything in the City of Boston is considered a crime anymore.

          1. Michael D Beheading is wrong and cruel period hope the jerk gets arrested for destroyed Columbus. It’s ok verbally to agree or disagree on anything violence is not the answer just like cops I am a cop supporter and sometimes i don’t like them. I will never respond with physicallity. I don’t like people applauding the beheading it’s rude. That I don’t respect I respect their opinions.

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