Business Health & Environment

NEW Health Distributes PPE Supplies to North End Restaurants

North End Waterfront (NEW) Health distributed a range of PPE supplies to restaurants throughout the North End on Wednesday, December 9, 2020. The effort follows September’s virtual Taste of the North End food festival, from which a portion of funds raised was directed to assisting the neighborhood restaurants as they face the immense challenges brought on by Read More…

Announcements Health & Environment

Fall/Winter Hours & Locations for NEW Health COVID Testing Sites

North End/Waterfront (NEW) Health will continue to offer COVID-19 testing in the North End and Charlestown during the fall and winter months. Locations and hours have been updated: North End siteDirectly behind NEW Health at 332 Hanover St.; entrance on North Bennet St.Tuesday and Thursday8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.*walk up only [no drive up testing]. Read More…

Community Kids & Families

NEW Health “Over the Bridge” Food Insecurity Program

For the past two years, the employees of North End Waterfront (NEW) Health have been funding an internal collection used to provide needy North End and Charlestown students with bags of food and fresh produce to bring home to their families. Many things have changed since the appearance of COVID-19, but what hasn’t changed is Read More…

Health & Environment

NEW Health: Thursday is the Great American Smokeout

The Great American Smoke Out happens every year on the 3rd Thursday of November.  This year it is on November 19, 2015. The 1st Smoke Out was in California in 1976. It became a national event, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, in 1977. The Great American Smoke Out has helped to change laws related Read More…

Health & Environment

NEW Health Advisory: Heroin Contaminated with Fentanyl

by Mary Wright RN, MEd, North End Waterfront Health On October 26, 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) issued an advisory to the treatment community about ongoing increases in fentanyl-related unintentional overdose across the U.S. Fentanyl is a form of opioid, and when used in combination Read More…

Health & Environment Police & Fire

Halloween Safety Tips from NEW Health

by Mary Wright, nurse educator for North End Waterfront Health Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s time to review a few tips to help keep everyone safe. Don’t trick or treat alone. Go trick-or-treating with an adult. Visit only people that you know. Trick or treat in your own neighborhood. Be sure your Read More…

Community Health & Environment

Resolve: A group for those affected by substance misuse

NEW Health is partnering with Norma Reppucci MA, RN, LADCI, to create a local support group for anyone affected by substance misuse. The group, held monthly, will provide support, resources, and information about substance misuse. More information is below. Resolve: A group for those affected by substance misuse. All are welcome Where: Nazzaro Community Center When: Read More…

Health & Environment

Take NEW Health’s 2015 Community Survey

North End Waterfront Health, located at 332 Hanover St., is conducting a survey in order to gauge the health needs of the neighborhood. The 31-question survey is confidential and anonymous – you do not need to provide any identifiers to take the survey. You also do not need to be a patient at the health Read More…

Health & Environment Schools

Back to School Tips from NEW Health

by Mary Wright, RN, health educator for North End Waterfront Health It’s back to school and time to think about what your child may need to make a smooth transition from summertime to school hours and rules. Here are some things to consider before that first day of school: Immunizations need to be up to Read More…

Community Health & Environment

NEW Health CEO Elected to Lead National Association of Community Health Centers

The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) has elected Jim Luisi, CEO of North End Waterfront Health (NEW Health), as its next Chairman. Luisi will serve as the organization’s top elected official starting in 2017, while continuing to lead NEW Health. “It’s an honor to be elected as the next NACHC Chair and I’m Read More…

Health & Environment

August is National Immunization Month

by Mary Wright, RN, health educator at North End Waterfront Health Infectious diseases are a major cause of illness, disability, and death.  Vaccines were developed to protect people from dangerous and often fatal diseases. Today’s vaccines are safe and effective. Every year people die from diseases that could have been prevented. Some of these diseases Read More…