Featured Health & Environment

Reader Poll: Would You Feel Safe Going to the Beach on Memorial Day?

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker presented details on the state’s four-step phased reopening in response to the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this week.

Phase 1, titled “Start,” began Monday, May 18. On this date, manufacturing and construction businesses, as well as places of worship, could open with restrictions and capacity limitations. Also part of Phase 1, on May 25 the following are allowed to reopen with restrictions:

  • lab space
  • office space (except in Boston where it is June 1)
  • limited personal services—hair, pet grooming, car washes
  • retail—remote fulfillment and curbside pick-up
  • beaches
  • parks
  • drive-in theaters
  • some athletic fields and courts
  • many outdoor adventure activities
  • most fishing, hunting, and boating
  • outdoor gardens, zoos, reserves, and public installations
Singing Beach in Manchester-by-the-Sea, July 2018.

With Memorial Day weekend quickly approaching, many people may be pleased to see beaches included on the list of places allowed to open on Memorial Day. Beach managers will be enforcing safety standards, which include wearing a face covering when social distancing is not possible, limiting gatherings to less than 10 people, and maintaining 12 feet of distance between beach towels.

Also part of the new beach rules, organized ball games are not allowed, and indoor showers/changing rooms will remain closed as will water fountains.

With these restrictions in place, would you feel safe going to the beach on Memorial Day? Vote in our poll and add your comments in the section below!

Web polls are unscientific and reflect only those who choose to participate. NorthEndWaterfront.com polls do not have any official significance and are only intended for the interest of our readers.

4 Replies to “Reader Poll: Would You Feel Safe Going to the Beach on Memorial Day?

  1. I’d feel safe walking the beach in early morning or late afternoon. I’ll wait until June, the beaches will be overflowing on Memorial Day.

  2. I’m not so sure about the beaches being packed on Memorial Day? ⛱️I would not go to a beach until I see what precautions will be in place.

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