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What’s the 311? Mask Violations, Person Passed Out Behind Steriti Rink, Abandoned Bike, Gas Light Loose on North St.

Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at 311.boston.gov.

Bike Left at Intersection Of N Bennet St & Salem St

This 311 user writes, “Another bike with bent wheels due to lack of secure bike parking in the North EEnd. The bike lot on Salem Street is inadequate. It is always full (of bikes, and garbage)”

The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on January 21, 2020 and was closed on April 17, 2020 with the following note, “Closed with status: Case Resolved. This bike was removed and taken to a Boston Transportation Department storage facility. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through BOS:311.”

Mask Violation at 1 City Hall Plz

This 311 user says, “In the North End, the great majority of teenagers and twenty-somethings are on the streets without masks. Perhaps the danger to the elderly has been emphasized with the result that the danger to teens and twenties is being missed. Somehow they must be made to understand that death will have the same finality for them as for other age groups.”

The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on April 18, 2020 and remains open as of April 21, 2020.

Person Passed Out on Commercial St.

This 311 user writes, “Person passed out on sidewalk, behind the Steriti Rink in the North End.”

The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on April 14, 2020 and closed on the same day with the note, “Case Resolved. Notified 911.”

Street Lights at 351 North St North End

This 311 user writes, “A gas light frame is actually loose, it moves in the wind. It is next to 351 North Street, but directly across the street from 350 North St.”

The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on April 17, 2020 and remains open as of April 21, 2020.

Remember, to report a claim with 311, you can call 311, go to the 311 websitetweet at 311, or download the app. What do you think about these 311 cases? Follow our “What’s The 311?” tag to see past week’s postings!

2 Replies to “What’s the 311? Mask Violations, Person Passed Out Behind Steriti Rink, Abandoned Bike, Gas Light Loose on North St.

  1. We’ve limited our walks to twice a week, but when we are out, we feel the older group most “at risk” are the ones who aren’t respecting the social distance of 6 feet or more. We can’t believe how many older people walk right next to us! (We have our son in a stroller so we aren’t able to quickly navigate to the street out of their way).

  2. Person? Passed out behind the Steri Rink, shouldn’t that be a 911? I have seen that place used as a bed-n-no breakfast. The Mission blankets are a clue.

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