Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at 311.boston.gov.
No Crossing Guard at 585 Commercial St.
This 311 user says, “No crossing guard for Eliot school on Commercial Street. Traffic is treacherous. Drivers are crazy. Someone’s going to get hurt.”
The original 311 post can be found here. This post was submitted and opened on Friday, September 6, 2019 and remains open as of Tuesday, September 10, 2019.
Homeless at the Paul Revere Mall
This 311 user says, “Homeless sleeping on Sunday Sept 8 at 10:00 am and tourists are streaming down the mall. Right in front of NEMPAC. The North End is the new San Francisco.”
The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on September 8, 2019 and remains open as of September 10, 2019.
Demonstration Disturbance at Battery Wharf
This 311 user writes, “Local 26 Demonstration is disturbing the peace in this part of the North End. When did yelling, banging and screaming become “a peaceful protest” in a residential neighborhood? Their permit to demonstrate should be either revoked or modified to eliminate the noise they are bringing to our neighborhood for their own selfish goals.”
The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on September 5, 2019 and remains open as of September 10, 2019.
Remember, to report a claim with 311, you can call 311, go to the 311 website, tweet at 311, or download the app. What do you think about these 311 cases? Follow our “What’s The 311?” tag to see past week’s postings!
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Re: The Local 26 protest: “Peaceful” protest means they aren’t harming anyone. I’m sorry that people who want to earn a living wage and trying to get attention for it bothers you…but I think that’s the entire point of a protest. Make noise, get attention. Bright side – your post on 311 that got posted here likely let some new people know about it! THANKS!!
They choose to work there. Don’t like there pay quit find a better job. Why do residents of the neighborhood have to be woken up by people screaming at 7am. Blowing whistles, hit drums and setting off car alarms all times of the day is uncalled for. All that they have done is lost the neighborhoods sympathy.
American businesses have had it with unions this why they have move manufacturing abroad. The Trump administration has used tax cuts and tariffs to try to get companies to grow business here. However, that has only seen them look to places like Vietnam and others. I am not seeing business repatriating back to the US. We are seeing unions pushing good paying jobs out and leaving only unskilled low paying jobs like these. The union jobs have moved to the unskilled to get their union dues.
Really Pete? You cared about them before they protested? They didn’t lose the neighborhood’s sympathy, just that of the privileged. Some of us went out there and joined in. One should always support your union brothers and sisters in the fight for decent wages and better working conditions. If unions didn’t fight for just that, you wouldn’t have weekends, 40 hour work weeks, and child labor laws. You think companies give you that because they’re nice?
I don’t appreciate comments like “if you don’t like your job quit and get a better one” Another is if you don’t like rats and drunks, dog crap , trash” move to the siburbs.” As long as the people who are protesting (fighting) a huge cooperation are doing it peacefully I support them 100%.Anyone ever hear of the Boston Tea Party ?
Reminds me of the woman who moved to the Charlestown Navy Yard condos and wanted the City Council to make the USS Constitution to stop firing canons at dusk because they disturbed her sleep and startled her guests. FYI Pete , the city allows construction, and other noise starting at 7AM so deal with it
I always thought that was a drive-by. thanx.
I agree with both MichaelD and Roxie’s comments…
First, “these people are “WORKING” to pay their rent and support themselves/families”…,
Second, as to MichaelD’s comment – I don’t appreciate comments like “if you don’t like your job quit and get a better one”. These people are not protesting because they don’t like their jobs”, but rather to be compensated fairly for the work they do..,
Third, if the answer really was as easy as “if you don’t like your job quit and get a better one”, they would have done that already, rather than going on strike?
Fourth, I am a lifelong resident born and brought up in the North End and live near Battery Wharf and do not find the Local 26 demonstration/protest to be “disturbing the peace in this part of the North End”. and totally agrree with Roxie’s post – “Peaceful” protest means they aren’t harming anyone. I’m sorry that people who want to earn a living wage and trying to get attention for it bothers you…but I think that’s the entire point of a protest. Make noise, get attention. Bright side – your post on 311 that got posted here likely let some new people know about it! THANKS!!
The key here is these people are WORKING o pay their rent and support themselves/families”…, and have every right to protest/demand compensation that is equal to others in the same jobs in other corporations.