The following are recent incidents reported by Boston Police District A-1 for the North End / Waterfront area.
Assault & Battery / Deadly Weapon
02/03/20 — 12:39 a.m.
Victim was walking on Prince St. and was struck over the head with a wooden folding table by an unknown suspect. Suspect fled on foot. Victim was bleeding from the top of the head but was refusing medical attention at this time.
Breaking & Entering / Residential
01/28/20 — 2:43 a.m.
Male suspect (ex-boyfriend) arrested on Salem St. after entering the female victim’s Prince St. apartment without permission.
Who walks around the streets carrying a folding table? Just bought it at Macy’s and wanted to give it a try out.
T, what I have discovered over the years is there’s usually more to these stories than what is reported. Regardless, their needs to be more surveillance cameras in the neighborhood considering all the foot traffic and the drunks who end up here for whatever reason.
Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking. Folding table makes an odd weapon and not something that one would normally carry around when planning an attack. Wonder how the police categorize this, assault with deadly furniture?
It was actually a WWF match.
Technically 12:39am on a Monday – but really it was late (after midnight) Sunday night. When trash is out. I’m sure someone used curbside trash as a weapon. Sad to say I’ve seen that done before.