Boston Police District A-1 provided North End / Waterfront residents an update on recent neighborhood crime incidents, summarized below, at the December 2019 North End Public Safety Meeting.
Crime in District A-1 is down 7% year-to-date.
Larcenies (5)
– 11/9/19 at 9:23 p.m. (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): Hanover St. pharmacy reported a male suspect stole $600 worth of merchandise (razors, etc.).
– 11/20/19 at 2:30 p.m. (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): Hanover St. pharmacy reported a male suspect stole $428.98 worth of merchandise (Dunkin’ K-Cups, Dunkin’ coffee beans, 10 bags of pistachios, etc.).
– 11/11/19 at 2:47 p.m. and 2:59 p.m. (11 Wiget St.): Owner of a Wiget St. building reported two separate package thefts. Landlord stated that two unknown males at different times stole unknown contents of delivered packages to the building. Suspects were observed on the landlord’s video camera footage.
– 11/16/19 at 2 a.m. (Cooper & Salem St.): Victim accidentally left a bag on the sidewalk. When she returned, it was gone. The bag’s contents included a wallet, tablet, credit card, etc. The credit card was used to make $200 in fraudulent charges before it was reported stolen and cancelled.
– 11/23/19 – 11/24/19 between 3 p.m. and 9 a.m. (N. Bennet Court): An eco-rider electric scooter (valued at $1000) was stolen from an unlocked basement.
Assault and Battery (1)
– 12/3/19 at 3:20 p.m. (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): Store employee was punched in the face by a shoplifter.
*Arrests (2)*
– OUI: Snowhill & Charter St. – Wrong-way driver. Driver was found to have a large open container of vodka on the passenger seat next to her. Driver was unsteady on her feet, and crashed into nearby cars. Fire Department had tried to move her car. Driver was sent to the hospital.
– Assault & Battery 209A: Domestic violence incident. Female suspect was arrested.
David Marx hosts the monthly Public Safety meeting with Boston Police District A-1. North End Public Safety Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, 6:00 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. All are welcome to attend and bring their questions. See the Community Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
Crime is down 7%, but up 100% at CVS. What is need is a Securty Guard with a Tazer. Randomly zapping each exiting customer. Chances are he will get the right one most of the time.
I feel like a sucker when I always pay, everybody else is shoplifting.
“$ 600 worth of razors etc” $ “428 worth of Dunkin Donuts cups , beans & 10 bags of pistachio nuts.” One employee punched in the face by a shoplifter.CVS apparently is the gift that keeps on giving.
CVS should have a police detail in place if this is what’s to be expected these days. No employee should be the target of violence in their workplace.
CVS need security not only for their employees but for those of us that shop there also. The North End used to be the safest place to live what is going on and where are the foot Police Patrolmen?
Isn’t shoplifting along with trespassing among the 15 non prosecution crimes list that District Attorney Rachelle Rollins passed in Boston?
It is. I read where a shoplifter was surprised that he was arrested. He assumed that shoplifting was legal. They can arrest them, but if not prosecuted, he did have case for legalization. So our DA has unilaterally legalized 15 crimes. Seems our electeds are just lazy people.
I like Roger’s comment~~~~~~I agree with him !!
When was the last time there was a regular foot patrol in the North End ? 10 years ago? 5 years ago?
I believe that JFK was president when” Larry the cop” walked a beat in the NE.
Smitty the cop, back in the 60’s