
Reminder: No Trash Collection on Thanksgiving Day

Please be advised there will be no trash or recycling collection on Thursday, November 28, 2019 which is Thanksgiving Day. The next trash collection will be on Monday, December 2nd. Plan ahead and see for more information.

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7 Replies to “Reminder: No Trash Collection on Thanksgiving Day

      1. No reason they couldn’t do it on Friday,,, it’s what they always had done in past if they could not pick up on one day then it would be the next day,,, you know people will leave trash out on Friday morning anyway…

  1. Insane to not have trash pick up for a whole week in the North End. Old contract used to either delay a day or pick up in the holiday.

  2. So the city actually picked up today which is not what the above statement states. I guess the city saw how horrible the streets looked and changed their minds?

  3. Wow, they picked up trash today anyway. Would have liked to known they were going to do that, instead of having to wait another three days.

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