Health & Environment

North End Cleanliness Tips

The Department of Public Works has updated its tip sheet for neighborhood cleanliness. Click here for 1-page PDF document.


Neighborhood Street Sweeping Program

  • Throughout the neighborhood, signs are posted indicating the mechanical street sweeping schedules.  The program runs from April 1 through November 30.
  • Your compliance, by moving your car during posted street sweeping times is critical for the effective sweeping of your neighborhood.  Please move your vehicles during that time since routine towing occurs on street sweeping days.  Fines for non-compliance include a $40 ticket and a $110 tow charge. 

Residential Trash / Recycling

  • The North End residential trash is collected on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Recycling day is Friday only.
  • Trash must be placed for collection no later than 7:00AM on the scheduled day.  Late placement contributes to missed pick-ups.
  • When possible, place trash out on the morning of pick-up before 7:00am, rather than the night before.  This will significantly reduce the opportunity for spillage of trash.
  • It is illegal to place residential trash at street corners.   Trash must be placed on the curbside in front of your residence.
  • Properly and securely containing your trash and recycling is a critical component of keeping your neighborhood clean.  By law, trash must be placed in a container with lid or a two-ply trash bag.  Please note that most kitchen trash bags are too thin and not compliant.
  • The North End has single-stream recycling and all eligible recycling materials can now be co-mingled and placed out for collection in a clear two-ply plastic bag.  These are available at several local stores.  Some residences have City-provided wheeled containers for recycling.  The City has formally discontinued distribution of the small recycling blue bins and encourages neighbors to use only the clear plastic bags (or wheeled containers) for their recycling.
  • It is illegal to utilize City sidewalk litter barrels for the disposal of residential/commercial trash or animal waste and carries a fine of up to $1,000 per day.  Offenders may be reported to the Code Enforcement police at 617-635-3036
  • No building or construction materials shall be put out for residential collection.
  • TVs, computers, refrigerators, and air conditioners are ONLY picked up by special appointment by calling 617-635-4500 or e-mail at

General Cleanliness

  • Residents and merchants are responsible for picking up any loose litter on the sidewalks and gutters in front of their homes.  Report trash and snow removal violations to the Code Enforcement Police.
  • Dumpsters must have lids and be closed at all times.
  • Pet owners are responsible for picking up after their pets.


  • Property owners must ensure that the sidewalk area is kept clear of snow and ice.  Violations may be reported to the Code Enforcement Division.
  • Residents can be alerted of pending Snow Emergency information by registering for the KNOWSNOW program on the City of Boston

Helpful Phone numbers:

Mayor’s 24 Hour Services – 617-635-4500
Code Enforcement / Inspectional Services – 617-635-3036
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services – 617-635-3485
Boston Public Works – 617-635-7555
Recycling Division – 617-635-4959

More Public Works & Code Enforcement info:
Click here for 1-page PDF document of the cleanliness tips.