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Jigsaw Picture Puzzle: Greenway Colors at Night

The fountains are off for the season, but the colors still shine bright on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Here is a shot at night from the Rings Fountain. Only 40 pieces!

How to play: Move and drag the pieces around just like a regular jigsaw puzzle. When two pieces are connected, they will click together. If you are “missing” a piece, move the other pieces aside to look behind them. Helpful guides can be found in the lower left icons. Challenge yourself to solve the puzzle in the shortest amount of time!

2 Replies to “Jigsaw Picture Puzzle: Greenway Colors at Night

  1. Matt, being a senior citizen, means keeping a sharp mind. We must never stop thinking or exercising our brain. Whenever there is a puzzle I stop whatever I am doing and redo it over and over. An excellent brain teaser.
    Do more please.
    Marguerite Buonopane
    PS: this one was too easy

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