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Crime Report: Three Arrests, Residential Breaking & Entering, Three CVS Thefts

Boston Police District A-1 provided North End / Waterfront residents an update on recent neighborhood crime incidents, summarized below, at the November 2019 North End Public Safety Meeting.

Aggravated Assaults (1)
– 10/12/19 at 10:15 p.m. (Hanover St.): Domestic violence incident.

Breaking & Entering – Residence (1)
– 11/5/19 at 6:45 p.m. (131 Prince St.): Resident came home from work and noticed Tiffany earrings, a watch, and family heirlooms were stolen. No reported damage to the locks on the back door of the residence.

Larcenies (5)
– 10/20/19 at 8 p.m. (99 Salem St.): Victim reported she left her cell phone and wallet containing U.S. currency and bank/credit cards on the stoop of a Salem St. building. When she returned a short time later, the property was gone.

– 10/18/19 at 11 a.m. (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): Hanover St. pharmacy reported a known male shoplifter stole 3 – 4 beverages from the store.

– 10/30/19 at 2:25 p.m. (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): Hanover St. pharmacy reported a male suspect stole a hair dryer and fled the store.

– 10/29/19 at 12 a.m. (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): Hanover St. pharmacy reported two female suspects stole 6 boxes of Mega CQ10, collectively valued at $300.

– 10/28/19 between 7:30 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. (Dino’s Cafe – 141 Salem St.): Victim reported he placed his backpack down while sitting in a Salem St. cafe. A short time later, he went to pick it up and it was gone. Backpack contained sunglasses, athletic clothing, laptop, Kindle Fire, and banking papers.

*Arrests (3)*

– Warrant / Trespassing – 10/30/19 at 2:51 a.m. (The Prado): While patrolling a known “hot spot,” plain clothes officers stopped an individual. Suspect was discovered to have an outstanding warrant for assault and battery on an elderly person.

– Aggravated Assault: Aforementioned domestic violence incident.

– Possession of Burglarious Tools: 10/26/19 at 9:45 p.m. (The Gassy – 144 Prince St.): A male suspect was arrested for possession of burglarious tools (a battery-powered saw) and destruction of property after sawing bolts off a park bench on Prince St. Suspect also sawed the bolts off a bench on Endicott St. Suspect claimed the bolts “were in the way.”

David Marx hosts the monthly Public Safety meeting with Boston Police District A-1. North End Public Safety Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, 6:00 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. All are welcome to attend and bring their questions. See the Community Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.

5 Replies to “Crime Report: Three Arrests, Residential Breaking & Entering, Three CVS Thefts

  1. I wish they published the names of the people arrested. Maybe a public shaming would deter them from commiting these crimes.

  2. North End used to be a safe place what is going on and where are the foot patrol Officers Mr Walsh

  3. It is going to get worse, this is nothing, & where are the foot patrol police? Not walking our
    streets, that is for sure.

  4. I haven’t seen foot patrols since Andy of Mayberry. They even stopped using the horses because they were too expensive. You might seem them in the Commons giving directions to tourists. I have seen guys I believe are undercover. They exit a police car and then go to a hot spot. But for mobility they use cars. The number of police in most large metro areas is declining. Not a choice occupation anymore. Let’s face it, one wrong split second decision and you’re looking at prison. No margin for error. If you where a police uniform people judge you as most likely a racist, even if you’re an African-American. So…. Who wants the job? Even when you’re, your wrong.

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