Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at 311.boston.gov.
Abandoned Bicycle at 24 Clark St
This 311 user writes, “Two abandoned bikes (white Trek and green giant) between 17 Clark and 19 Clark. Chained to Walsh Place and North End resident parking sign. Bikes have not moved in over 6 months. Handle bars are hanging over curb so cars cannot park and taking up space on the sidewalk. Please remove.”

The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted an opened on September 23, 2019 and remains open as of September 26, 2019.
Traffic Signal at Intersection Of New Rutherford Ave & Rutherford Ave, Charlestown
This 311 user says, “Please do something to solve the grid lock at this intersection. Drivers heading into the North End always block this intersection making it impossible for drivers coming off the Tobin to cross into Charlestown. You have to take your life into your hands and drive across on the red light otherwise you sit there for endless light cycles. Thank you.”
The original 311 post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on September 22, 2019 and remains open as of September 26, 2019.
Damaged Sign at 331 Hanover St North End
This 311 user says, “”ONE WAY” Sign at corner of Prince St and Hanover St is not truly damaged; however, covered in Scaffolding. I have seen multiple cars pull down Prince Street and try to drive through North Sq. (another one way street) very close to multiple crowds and school children.”
The original post can be found here. The post was submitted and opened on September 18, 2019 and remains open as of September 26, 2019.
Remember, to report a claim with 311, you can call 311, go to the 311 website, tweet at 311, or download the app. What do you think about these 311 cases? Follow our “What’s The 311?” tag to see past week’s postings!
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How many cars have been “abandoned” on streets for weeks at a time without being moved aka parked?