Boston Police District A-1 provided North End / Waterfront residents an update on recent neighborhood crime incidents, summarized below, at the April 2019 North End Public Safety Meeting.
Aggravated Assaults (3)
– 3/13/19 at 10 a.m. (Charter St.): The victim reported she took her dog for a walk. When she returned to her apartment ~10-15 minutes later, the front door was open. At this time, she entered her apartment and two unknown males came running out of her son’s room, placed a gun to her face and fled on foot. The victim called her son, who arrived and stated that his property was stolen from his room, including an Apple MacBook laptop, a Rolex watch and a folder containing old coins and bills. Detectives are investigating the incident (including whether the suspects possibly knew the victims).
– 3/15/19 (126 Salem St.): A couple (male and female) got into a fight with another couple (male and female). The confrontation took place while the parties were walking down the street. A victim was threatened with an unopened can of beer.
– 3/28/19 at 12:15 p.m. (300 Hanover St.): A fight broke out between family members. Pepper spray was used. Declined to press charges.
Larcenies (5)
– 3/9/19 (84 Prince St.): Package theft (a box with the victim’s name on it was discovered to be empty).
– Between 3/9/19 and 3/11/19 (Knights of Columbus – 9 Hull St.): A 55” television (valued at $425) was reported stolen.
– 3/14/19 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. (North End Nails – 113 Salem St.): A business sign was reported stolen from the sidewalk.
– 3/22/19 at 8:20 a.m. (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): Hanover Street pharmacy reported that a male suspect had stolen 12 bottles of Head & Shoulders shampoo and two packs of Dove bar soap (collectively valued at $150) from the store. The 30-year-old male suspect was stopped by an officer, was identified, and the property was returned to the store manager. Suspect to be summonsed to court.
– 3/24/19 at 8:30 p.m. (Copp’s Hill Park / Commercial St. & Jackson Ave.): Victim reported that while taking pictures at Copp’s Hill Park (near Commercial Street and Jackson Avenue), he put his Canada Goose coat and cell phone down on the sidewalk. When he returned, his property was gone. Victim stated he did not see anyone in the area.
David Marx hosts the monthly Public Safety meeting with Boston Police District A-1. North End Public Safety Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, 6 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. All are welcome to attend and bring their questions. See the Community Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
Was the suspect in the CVS case arrested?
Shoplifting (generally) isn’t arrestable.
My guess is no if he is going to be summoned to court.
Head and Shoulders?? Dove soap? Is this really what people are lifting these days?
Come on where is the humor on this board? Can’t we have some fun with this one?
He might be a scoundrel who aspires not to be a filthy scoundrel. Either that or real has a bad dandruff issue.
They steal everyday things everyone uses then resell them to fuel their drug habits. Do people really think they USE what they steal?
He just wanted to “COME CLEAN” ???? You are right~~~~look for the humor ~~~as long as no-one got hurt !!!!
12 bottles of Head + Shoulders and two packs of Dove bar soap. What did the thief bring in the store a suitcase?