October 2009 was a good month with low crime in the North End/Waterfront according to Boston Police at the monthly Public Safety meeting. There were no homicides or sexual assaults, continuing this positive trend for over six months. There was 1 robbery, 1 burglary and 2 aggravated assaults. Car break-ins were flat at 5 during the month while towed vehicles were down to 8 from 22 last year. There were 420 parking citations and 141 moving violations. BPD is focusing on the double-parking situation on Hanover Street which residents report is better but still a problem at times.
The robbery was on October 1st at the Sovereign Bank at 287 Hanover St. A woman was assaulted , but not hurt, and the robber took a “substantial” amount of money. BPD has a suspect and is close to an arrest.
The aggravated assault took place at the Clinton St. garage on November 4th. Two females, not from the neighborhood, were fighting and one swung a glass bottle at the other. In addition, she had a warrant outstanding and drugs on her person for which she was arrested.
Sarnis Cleaners on Commercial St. was burglarized on October 13th. The break-in was discovered the following morning when staff found the door damaged. A small amount of cash was taken.
Car break-ins are down and the police are hopeful that recent education has helped. The incidents reported are of the same variety where an iPod, GPS or personal belongings are seen through the window.
There was one vandalism incident on N. Bennet St. where an Erie, PA, 24 year-old visitor broke off the side mirror of a car.
Loud Parties
A Halloween party incident occurred at 224 Hanover Street, above the CVS around 9pm. College students were throwing bottles and cans down to the street. The police initially had difficulty gaining access when a male dressed in a baby’s outfit refused to open the door. BPD eventually gained access and the officers detained 15-20 Suffolk university students. There probably were more at the party which had dispersed as the police entered. Partygoers were identified and released. The police are following up with Suffolk University administrators and the owner of the building.
Loud parties were also reported at 443 Hanover St. and 28 Fleet St recently.These properties, in addition to 224 Hanover St., will be the subject at the next Problem Properties taskforce meeting.
Captain O’Rourke, Sgt Lema and Officer Boyle emphasize that quality of life issues continue to take priority.There is foot coverage of the North End, 7 nights a week including a new bicycle cop. A homeless issue has been reported under the N. Washington bridge on the harborwalk and the police are responding to that.
Neighbors at the meeting complemented the police for their quick response to the recent late night issues. Residents report a significant improvement. In addition, the A-1 Superintendent’s goal is to reduce violent crimes by 10% this year and they are getting close to that goal.
The monthly public safety meeting is sponsored by NEWNC and the Boston Police on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30pm at the Nazzaro Center. All North End/Waterfront residents are invited to attend.