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Crime Report: Shoplifting at CVS, Larcenies from Vehicles, Arguing in the Street, Three Arrests

Boston Police District A-1 provided North End / Waterfront residents an update on recent neighborhood crime incidents, summarized below, at the March 2019 North End Public Safety Meeting.

Aggravated Assaults (1)
– 2/8/19 at 7:12 p.m. (Hanover St. & Battery St.): Police officers observed two males arguing. One male walked away and reached for his waistband. He was frisked and found to have a gun (for which he had a license). The suspect was arrested.

Breaking & Entering – Residence (1)
– 2/27/19 at 11:15 a.m. (4 Michelangelo St.): Victim was away on military leave from 2/25/19 to 2/27/19.  Upon returning to his apartment, he found scattered trash on the floor, and an underwear drawer was open. Nothing appeared to be missing from the apartment.

Larcenies (3)
– 2/8/19 at 8:30 p.m. (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): A hair dryer and hair products were stolen.

-2/13/19 at 4:20 p.m. (191 North St.): A wallet was lost, after which purchases in the amount of $55 and $105 were fraudulently made at CVS.

-2/7/19 at 6:30 p.m. (32 Sheafe St.): Victim was away from their residence between 4:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Upon their return, personal papers were found on the floor, a piece of wood was removed from a dresser and the deed to the home was missing. No sign of forced entry.

Larceny from Motor Vehicle (1)
– 2/9/19 at 6:30 p.m. (4 Cleveland Pl.): Victim reports she was carrying in groceries to her mother’s building on Cleveland Place. After making several trips to her motor vehicle, she noticed her handbag was stolen from the vehicle. The bag contained credit / bank cards, house and car keys, and personal papers.

*Arrests (3)*
– Assault & Battery / Shoplifting (2/8/19 at 10:30 p.m: CVS – 218 Hanover St.): White female grabbed some items from a shelf. Manager confronted her. After a physical altercation, the suspect left the store. She later returned to the store and was arrested on a felony warrant, as well as on additional charges.

– Poss. Firearm / Breaking & Entering Motor Vehicle (2/12/19 at 8:45 p.m: 181 North Washington St.): Valet said a male broke into a car. Suspect denied having a gun, but admitted he was checking car door handles. Officers located a gun in the immediate vicinity, after which the suspect claimed he originally found the gun in the center console of a car.

– Larceny: Aforementioned lost wallet incident resulting in larceny.

David Marx hosts the monthly Public Safety meeting with Boston Police District A-1. North End Public Safety Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, 6 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. All are welcome to attend and bring their questions. See the Community Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.