Things to know for Wednesday
Today is Wednesday, October 10 and if you’re looking for a way to be a better neighbor, take a hint from the President of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association Mary McGee. She recommends establishing communication, helping clean around your property and of course, join NEWRA. Get more tips on
Here’s what else you need to know for today…
6:30PM Friends of NE Library Meeting. Join the North End Library at 25 Parmenter Street for their monthly meeting.
Notable News:
The Heartening Story of How the Red Sox Cap Became an American Sportswear Legend
The Red Sox cap is known around the world for representing an energetic fandom that is seldom replicated, but many don’t know that story behind the cap came from two Italian immigrants living in the North End looking for an American dream, read more on Esquire.
North End Sketches:
Plan your events with the Community Calendar:
Thursday, October 11
10:30AM Kids Craft at the North End Library. Children 18 months and older are invited to design and create in a craft program just for kids at the North End Library located at 25 Parmenter Street.
12:30PM Let Me Tell You a Story at the West End Library – 151 Cambridge Street. Love a good story? Being read to is a rare pleasure for adults. On the second Thursday
7:00PM NEWRA Monthly Meeting at the Nazzaro Center. Stop by 30 North Bennet Street for the North End Waterfront Residents Association monthly meeting, see additional details here.
7:00PM Searching for Ancient Life on Mars at the IMAX Theater – 1 Central Wharf. Over the past 20 years, NASA has built and sent to Mars a series of orbiters, landers, and rovers designed to explore the red planet’s earliest history and seek signs of life. These missions discovered that in contrast to its current harsh environment, the ancient surface of Mars was wet, with a warmer climate, and thought to have been habitable by simple microorganisms. Read more and register here.
Friday, October 12
10:00AM Preschool Movie Hour. Stop by the North End Library at 25 Parmenter Street where children ages 1-6 are welcomed to watch movies chosen just for them. This week’s movie is Peppa Pig – The Balloon Ride.
5:00PM Register to Vote! Stop by Shake The Tree at 67 Salem Street to register to vote, see additional details here.
6:00PM International Day of the Girl Celebration. Join the Nazzaro Center at 30 North Bennet Street for their International Day of the Girl celebration.
From the Community:
Harvest Party at Boston Public Market October 25
Join Boston Public Market for their third annual Harvest Party on October 25 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. There will be food samples, beer and cider, live music, auction prizes and more, continue reading.
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Keep up with what’s happening on the Events Calendar.
Weather Forecast:
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