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Boston Fire Marshall Follows Up on North End Fires With Safety Measures; Fire Dog Demonstration [Video]

Following up on the deadly Thanksgiving eve fire in Boston’s North End, Fire Marshall and Deputy Chief Jack Dempsey spoke with the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) on Monday, December 11th. The recent fire was not arson according to Dempsey, but instead caused by careless use of smoking materials.

The fire marshall reviewed important fire safety procedures, many specific to the North End including “party” fire escapes and how to flee from burning buildings. In the case of the Hanover Street blaze, the fire wall held between the buildings resulting in almost no damage to abutting structures. Dempsey also reviewed new smoke alarm regulations regarding photoelectric detectors.

Boston Inspectional Services Commissioner William “Buddy” Christopher, Jr. joined Dempsey at NEWNC, identifying the importance of multiple egresses and keeping exit pathways unblocked.

As a special demonstration, Keegan the fire dog and Boston Fire Lieutenant Tom Murray showed how the dog can smell for propellents as part of arson investigations.


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3 Replies to “Boston Fire Marshall Follows Up on North End Fires With Safety Measures; Fire Dog Demonstration [Video]

  1. Chief Dempsey Have you walked thru the North End to see the fire traps. For instance Foster Playground which is now a parking lot. If there is a fire your Fire trucks cold never get in there. Check it out, the cars are right up against the buildings which is not healthy for the people who windows can not be opened cause of the fumes. Just wanted you to be aware and hopefully something can be done. Thank you for your time. Angela

  2. Same situation at the Michelangelo. Fire trucks are not able to turn off Charter on to Michelangelo St. They do their ‘work’ from the street.

  3. Where there fire escapes on the building on Hanover where two people DIED last month? Why is that not mentioned specifically? As far as I recall, BFD is supposed to inspect every building periodically for alternate egresses and enforce compliance. Why is there no mention of specifics on any investigation of that tragic fire? What were the findings?

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