
Neighborhood Photo: Tour Bus Takeover on Commercial Street

Tour Buses on Commercial Street

A resident shares the daily tour bus situation on Commercial Street where traffic is forced to navigate around a seemingly endless stream of tour buses that park in No Stopping zones. The good news is there is plenty of room in the bike lanes, ha!

Parked in a marked No Stopping zone

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8 Replies to “Neighborhood Photo: Tour Bus Takeover on Commercial Street

  1. What a mess they made down here on Atlantic ave….But the bike lane has worked out fine….NOT…..

  2. If it isn’t the buses, it’s the bike paths, if not that, it’s the hotel, if not the hotel, the restaurant on Long a Wharf, if not that, it’s government center garage, if not that, it’s the planned development around the aquarium parking garage, where does the cry-babying and ‘woe is me’ end?
    Just wait until Tavistock wants to clean up the ugly, deserted, burned out building on CWW, screams will come from all corners. But, the status quo must be preserved, leave the eyesore as it is?
    You can’t have it both ways.
    The merchants and restaurants want the business, police look the other way to accommodate them by allowing double parking on Hanover Street for the businesses and Commercial Street for baseball, soccer, bocce, the pool and as people drive through the narrow streets of the area like they are on Rte 93.
    Life goes on, things change, we grow, new and more neighbors, etc., etc.!
    We have a desirable area, suck it up and enjoy the vibrancy!
    Suggest you focus on the maniac in the White House who will probably blow up the world for his own ego, insanity and plain stupidity.

    1. I am much more concerned about something I at least THINK I have somewhat of a say, my neighborhood. So because we live in a “desirable neighborhood” we should just look the other way? No…we should try to make it MORE desirable.

  3. As someone who lives here, I commute via that bike lane every work day. I am thankful it is there so I’m not crushed trying to get around illegally parked buses. The city should fine and/or tow the damn buses, instead of residents whining about a non-existent problem in the bike planes. Illegally parked vehicles caused your problem, not a safety lane for your neighbors— and if you think double parked vehicles didn’t happen BEFORE the bike lane you would definitely be wrong.

    1. I think we can have both…better enforcement of the double parker and a city traffic engineer that won’t create a bike lane so wide you can drive a truck on it.

      I’m all for being more accommodating to bikes…but if people think the current design on Commercial street isn’t seriously flawed, then there is no hope.

  4. Anonymity is not a legitimate comment, it is the cop out ‘my way or no way and I will not do anything more than express an opinion’ without the name/face to go with the remarks. Speak up, be heard, have the conviction of your input!!!
    Don’t whine and cry into your pillow.

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