Event Notices

Mahjong Club Thursdays at North End Library

Come and play the American-style variant of Mahjong, a tile-based game that originated in China and requires skill, strategy, and calculation. Beginners are welcome. Please note that beginner instruction begins at 11:00 a.m. No sign up is required.

When: Thursdays in November: 11/9, 11/16, 11/30 at 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Where: North End Branch Library, 25 Parmenter St., 617-227-8135.

One Reply to “Mahjong Club Thursdays at North End Library

  1. Hello if anyone can help me i am looking for an automatic mahjong table. I live in Rhode Island and have seen them online and have actually traveled to China town in NYC to look at them. I was wondering if there is a store in China town in Boston were I would be able to purchase one since Boston is so much closer. It is a retirement gift for my mother and would like to see it in person to find out which table she would like instead of shooting from the hip on a website and spending all that money. Also if anything were to malfunction on the table Boston is only a stone throw away compared to NYC. Any assistance or direction would help. Thank you.

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