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Residents’ Association Reports on Officer Nominations, Copp’s Hill Rats, New Liquor Licenses & 4 Powers Court

The North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) held their monthly meeting on September 14, 2017. Follow the video with this timeline summary of community reports.

President’s Report – Mary McGee (00:00 in video)

Agenda change – Marquis Health, the new operator of the Fulton Street Nursing and Rehab facility, will present to NEWRA at the October meeting (10/12/17, 7pm). NEWRA is inquiring about the future of the deed restriction for a “nursing facility” on the property with the Boston Planning & Development Agency. (01:10)

Nomination Committee Forming – NEWRA elections are on October 12th. There is currently no candidate for the officer of Treasurer. Interested parties can email (02:15)

NEWRA Party – November 9th at the Pilot House, 2 Atlantic Avenue. An abbreviated meeting will begin at 6pm followed by the annual party. (03:00)

AirBnb Inventory – NEWRA is starting to compile an inventory of short-term rental units (i.e., AirBnb). (03:25)

Rat Infestation at Copp’s Hill – Tom Schiavoni (05:30)

NEWRA Website Update – Cheryl Delgreco (09:30)

Zoning, Licensing & Construction Committee – Victor Brogna (10:00)

Next ZLC Committee meeting is September 26th at 6:00 p.m. at the Mariner’s House (notice the timing change due to Election Day). The only item is 431-439 Commercial Street, a real estate office seeking to expand into the basement.

4 Powers Court (11:30) – The ZLC Committee is looking into the extension of a past zoning variance to add a fourth floor.

Liquor Licenses (14:30) – Boston City Councilor At-Large Ayanna Pressley is looking to add 152 new alcohol licenses to the city. The majority would be for “underserved” neighborhoods, but 30 would be eligible citywide, including the North End. The ZLC Committee wants to get a discussion going regarding various restrictions in liquor licenses, such as bar seats and serving alcohol after the end of food service.