New Thursday Night Tradition with St. Lucy’s Feast and Procession [Photos]
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The St. Lucy Society kicked off their 96th Feast on Thursday, August 24, 2017 in honor of Santa Lucia, St. Lucy, Vergine e’ Martire – Protectress of Eyesight. The change from Monday to the Thursday night before the St. Anthony’s Feast appeared to bring out more people to the festivities. After a blessing on Endicott Street, a solemn procession was made by society members through the neighborhood streets with a marching band, flower girls and color guard. Enjoy paging through the photo gallery from the evening celebration. (Click photos to enlarge gallery.)
Society members gather around Santa Lucia for the 96th annual feast
Fr. Antonio provides a blessing at the opening of St. Lucy’s Feast
Pink hearts for St. Lucy
Image of St. Lucy, Protectress of Eyesight
Confetti cannons roar with pink hearts in honor of Santa Lucia
Crowd gathers for Santa Lucia
Opening festivities for Santa Lucia
Cheering St. Lucy
Emergences of St. Lucy for the 96th Feast of Santa Lucia
Enamored by Santa Lucia
St. Lucy comes out of her chapel
Celebrating Santa Lucia
Opening ceremonies for 96th Feast of St. Lucy
Supporting members for Santa Lucia
Fun at St. Lucy’s Feast
Santa Lucia heads off for the procession
Waiting for Santa Lucia
Serious deliberations
Family devotions to Santa Lucia
Flowers for St. Lucy
Natalina showers Santa Lucia with confetti
Natalina showers Santa Lucia with confetti
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
Calendar donation for Santa Lucia
Santa Lucia at Sal’s Lunch
Cannoli Tower
Sharing an arachini
Joy with Santa Lucia
Feast food
Carrying the St. Lucy tapestry
Anna makes a calendar devotion to Santa Lucia
St. Lucy on Causeway Street
Calendar donation for Santa Lucia
Rose pedals celebrating Santa Lucia
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
Mike and Jason wait for Santa Lucia
Jason makes a calendar devotion to Santa Lucia
Watcing the 96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
Francine places a calendar devotion to Santa Lucia on Prince Street
Window devotion to St. Lucy
Calendar devotion for Santa Lucia
Santa Lucia procession on Margaret Street
Olivia places a calendar devotion on the statue of Santa Lucia
Posing with St. Lucy
Carrying Santa Lucia
St. Lucy Society President Bianca leads the procession
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy on Prince Street in front of Parziale Bakery
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
Greeting Santa Lucia on Prince Street
Pam places a calendar donation on Santa Lucia
Marie, Pam and Freeway with Santa Lucia
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy on Hanover Street
Bencotto calendar devotion to Santa Lucia
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy in front of Sacred Heart Church
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy on little Prince Street
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
96th Annual Feast of Santa Lucia – St. Lucy
Guy places a devotion on the statue of Santa Lucia
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This is the second photo gallery for the 2012 Saint Joseph Feast, held on Sunday July 29, 2012 on Hanover & Battery Streets with a grand procession through the streets of the North End. See Part 1 here. The gallery shown below contains dozens of photos showing the Sunday night scene at the Feast along Read More…
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The Parish of St. Leonard’s will commemorate the last moments of St. Anthony’s life on Tuesday, June 12 at 7 p.m. A Mass and candlelit procession through the streets of the North End will take place on Saint Anthony of Padua’s traditional feast day, Wednesday, June 13. Please note, the large St. Anthony’s Feast will Read More…