Earlier this week, the final version of Imagine Boston 2030 was released putting forth a citywide plan to increase economic mobility and improve quality of life for the growing Boston population. The plan incorporates feedback from over 15,000 city residents (see North End session) and identifies five major action areas:
1. Enhancing Neighborhoods – Bostonians expressed a shared vision for neighborhoods that have affordable housing at different income levels, reliable and safe transportation, and vibrant main streets. Upham’s Corner will be the pilot area for this, where improvements are being made to the library and Mary Hannon Park, and investments in innovation aim to strengthen the local job center.
2. Encouraging a Mixed-Use Core – The plan looks to improve downtown and the surrounding areas to create a dense, walkable core where people not only work, but also live and gather together.
3. Expanding Neighborhoods – At the edges of existing neighborhoods, new mixed-use housing and encouraged job growth will aim to reduce housing-price pressure and expand access to opportunity. Six transit-accessible areas will see changes and improvements, the closest to the North End / Waterfront being the Fort Point Channel, where a South Bay Harbor Trail has been proposed to allow active transportation and recreation. The other neighborhoods are Sullivan Square, Newmarket and Widett Circle, Suffolk Downs, Readville and Beacon Yards.
4. Creating a Waterfront for Future Generations – Boston must create sustainable funding models and invest in proactive climate planning and infrastructure to maximize our waterfront potential and preserve it for future generations. Common themes from residents include a desire for increased water transportation, more public access to open space and steps to address climate vulnerability.
5. Generating Networks of Opportunity in the Fairmount Corridor – The plan addresses disparities in the neighborhoods along the Fairmount Corridor (Hyde Park, Mattapan, Dorchester, Roxbury and their surrounding areas) and aims to expand access to opportunity through investments in transportation, neighborhood vibrancy and education.
To achieve these major goals, Imagine Boston 2030 has laid out specific initiatives to be implemented across the city. The initiatives are organized into ten categories: housing, health & safety, education, economy, energy & environment, open space, transportation, technology, arts & culture and land use & planning. Read about each of these initiatives – what inspired them and what goals they strive toward – in the Imagine Boston 2030 book.
“Imagine Boston provides a framework to capitalize on the distinct identity of each neighborhood and take steps to enhance the quality of life in every corner of Boston. The focal points of the plan offer insight as to how we can build up our communities in ways that are forward-looking and chart a course for the city’s long-term growth.” – Rebekah Emanuel, Executive Director of Imagine Boston 2030
The Imagine Boston 2030 plan is supported by the Imagine Boston Capital Plan, the City’s five-year spending plan that will move Boston residents’ priorities from idea to action, and invest in creating the city Bostonians imagine for the future. The plan also establishes a set of goals and core metrics that will allow the City to track progress and evaluate success. The metrics will be evaluated on a yearly basis, and will measure progress toward job creation, reducing emissions, walkability, reducing the wealth gap and more.