6 Replies to “Video: Cars Brave Oncoming Traffic on Commercial Street

  1. Someone needs to take a video at the Starbucks as to what the cars are forced to do when the tour trolley is parked there picking up/dropping off passengers.

  2. This happens all the time during the day on commercial, hanover and the side streets, but unfortunatley most people are at work and only see tickets on their car or worse find out that their car has been towed because Btd targets residents and walks by illegally parked commercial vehicles.

  3. While driving down Commercial Street one day, a young man was getting into his car~~~ opening his car door he took his life into his own hands with the oncoming traffic !!

    The little parking lot on Commercial Street enters and exits into the bike lane AND THEN the car truck and bus lane~~~NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE THE ONCOMING TRAFFIC !!!!

    I know it is too late to say this but are these lives-at-risk~~~worth pleasing maybe 3 or 4 people a day out of less than 2 months a year ??

  4. I know with that statement, I will be setting myself up for criticism ~~~~this is only my opinion !!!
    The planning of this whole project was not well organized !!!!

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