Announcements Food & Drink

Boston Harbor Now Announces Dining Options from New Partnership Between Chef Barbara Lynch and Boston Harbor Cruises

Boston Harbor Now (BHN), The National Park Service (NPS), and The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) are thrilled to announce that Salt Water Inc., an exciting new partnership between acclaimed Chef Barbara Lynch and Boston Harbor Cruises (BHC), will enhance food and beverage offerings for Georges and Spectacle Islands, and the Boston Harbor Islands Welcome Center on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Salt Water Inc. was chosen as the vendor for all public entities as part of a comprehensive, public RFP process.

Salt Water Inc., which includes Salt Water Events and Salt Water Lobster Co., is the new partnership between two historic Boston brands and will also elevate food and beverage options aboard the BHC private charter vessels and Harbor Islands fleet. To inquire about hosting an event, please visit

“By collaborating with Salt Water, Inc. on updated cafes and food service on the Boston Harbor Islands and Greenway, we are fulfilling the mission of both Boston Harbor Now and National Park Service to draw even more individuals, groups and families to these amazing natural resources,” said Brian Dacey, Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Boston Harbor Now.

“We are thrilled to partner with Chef Barbara Lynch to offer our passengers both a uniquely-Boston experience and a memorable culinary treat,” said Alison Nolan, Principal and General Manager of BHC. “BHC looks forward to fostering this dynamic partnership and together discovering new ways to enhance guests’ experiences as they enjoy our city’s iconic and evolving waterfront.”

Chef Barbara will work closely with BHC to create signature events and exciting food experiences for passengers aboard their charter vessels and visitors to the Harbor Islands. “Together, we will redefine the way we celebrate through food with friends, family, and colleagues on Boston Harbor,” said Chef Barbara Lynch. “I can’t think of a better way to highlight our mutual commitment to the community, Boston Harbor, and the city we love.”

“Our goal is to offer unique cultural and recreational opportunities within the Boston Harbor Islands State and National Park,” said Leo Roy, Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Recreation. “I am so excited that Chef Barbara Lynch and her team will provide food concessions at the park’s facilities, creating memorable dining experiences for those enjoying the Boston Harbor from its islands.”