Business Food & Drink

Winter Business Renovations, Closing and Coming Soon

Winter is often the time of year for business comings and goings in Boston’s North End. Over the past few weeks, we found some renovation signs up at Caffe Dello Sport and the Sail Loft. A notice also went up regarding the permanent closing of Orchard Skate Shop‘s North End location on Commercial Street. SALMAGUNDI hat shop on Salem Street fell victim to an upstairs neighbor breaking a water pipe and will be remodeling for a while. Also, keep your eye on Prince Street where Cataldo Interiors Home is transforming half its space into “Cataldo Baby Boutique,” with a March opening planned. Lastly, DePasquale Ventures has announced Aquapazza “coming soon” at the former Sfizi location on the corner of Richmond Street.

One Reply to “Winter Business Renovations, Closing and Coming Soon

  1. I noticed they cleaned out the Cheese shop on Fleet street early this morning. Unfortunately no aged blue available 🙁

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