Business Featured

Two of Three 7-Eleven Stores Close in North End / Waterfront

Two longtime 7-Eleven chain retail franchises have closed in the past few weeks in the North End / Waterfront area.

At 464 Hanover Street, the lease was not renewed. The location is at the corner at Commercial St. across from the US Coast Guard station. Before the closing, staff at the store said the space had not yet been re-leased to a new tenant. Last week, the 24-hour store closed and the windows are now covered with paper. The 7-Eleven signage has also been removed.

The other 7-Eleven store at 342 Hanover St., on the corner of N. Bennet St., remains open for business. This location was previously a White Hen Pantry store before that chain was purchased by 7-Eleven. The franchise owners of the various 7-Eleven stores are not related.

On Atlantic Ave., at the Harbor Garage site, the 7-Eleven has also closed. This site has been designated for redevelopment with a proposed tower by the Chiofaro Company.

All photos by Adam Castiglioni, @ConciergeBoston.

10 Replies to “Two of Three 7-Eleven Stores Close in North End / Waterfront

  1. What are residents supposed to do if they can’t buy simple things late night? What if someone just needs some Tylenol or tampons?? Where the hell will they go? The north end is doing itself in.

    1. There are several places to get stuff until late
      CVS on Hanover St is open until midnight.
      The 7-11 at 342 Hanover St is open 24 hours
      The Golden Goose on Commercial St is open until 11 PM
      just to name a few
      You can always stock up.

      I seriously think that the closing of the 7-11 neat the coast guard base will lead to the demise of the North End

        1. And another correction. The other Hanover location is NOT open 24 hours. That’s this person’s point.

          1. Hahaha! Exactly!
            Also Joyce, the point of living in the city is 24 hour access to things like convenience stores. Boston as a whole is really lacking in 24 hour options, be it restaurants or stores.

            1. Wow and silly me thought that the point of living in the city was to be close to work and cultural experiences ( however you want to define that) and not having to drive every where . If I knew that the real point of living in the city was to have 24 hr access to tampons and aspiring and dining options I would have moved to NYC and not Boston.

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