Second Annual FUN DOG SHOW
A fundraising event for our Dog Park!
Sponsored by R.U.F.F.
When: Saturday, October 8, 2016
Where: North End Dog Park @
Prince & Snowhill streets
Time: Registration @ 10:30
(available at the park)
Cost: $12.00 per dog entry
(one entry fee to enter multiple categories)
11:00 – unique trick
11:30 – best costume
12:00 – golden oldie
12:30 – owner/dog look alike
1:00 – magazine mutt
1:30 – bring home the bacon
In a perfect world, every dog would have a home AND every home would have a dog !
This event is listed on our Events Calendar.
You don’t need to be or own a dog to attend RUFF’s fall fundraiser this Saturday on the flights at Defilippo Park! There will be lots of great raffle prizes and refreshments donated by local vendors for humans and canines alike. Fun for the whole family!